How To Practice Self-Care In 2018, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Self-care isn't just for Sundays. You've probably set a lot of intentions for the new year. You may want to travel more or ditch any toxic friends in your crew. Oh, the pressure is most certainly on — and between your already hectic schedule and other life demands, you're wondering if you'll just once again bail on those resolutions. Amongst all the chaos can be beauty, though. If only we choose to slow down and care for ourselves. Loving yourself is fairly new in the lifestyle game, so here are some ways to practice self-care in 2018 based on your zodiac sign.
The stars don't have to align for you to feel so in sync with yourself and your life. Self-care by definition can be just that — the act of caring for ourselves so that we mentally, emotionally, and physically feel in harmony.
When people think of self-care, they often think of spa days, cozy wine nights, and a whole lot of retail therapy. The Tom Haverford lifestyle from Parks And Rec might come to mind, full of fine leather goods, hot tubs, and mimosas. Treat yo' self!
But self-care isn't all about spending money or bath bombs. It's about putting yourself first sometimes, and doing things that will elevate you — however selfish it may seem. Based on your zodiac sign, here's how you should start practicing self-care (because no two signs are the same.)
Aries: Hold Your People Accountable
Oh, Aries. You're a fire sign, and you have the temper and passion to prove it. Where some people might see your short fuse as a red flag, others understand that deep down you just like to make the most of your time, money, energy, and talents.
You appreciate honesty in others because lying is truly just a waste. When does that situation ever end well? This year, for your own sanity, hold the people in your life accountable for their actions, ideas, and thoughts. Mentally, you'll feel more at ease knowing that your friends are staying true to themselves, but also to you.
Taurus: Make An Inspiring Playlist
Your life can sometimes feel like a movie, Taurus. The way you like to surround yourself with love and beautiful things is almost an art form. So, this year, why not put a soundtrack to it all?
Everybody is attracted to music in some way — but Taurus, you can't get enough of it. You probably already have subscriptions to all the streaming services and seek out new tunes for while you're working, cooking dinner, or just hanging out.
Music can be incredibly therapeutic for the soul. In 2018, make yourself a new playlist inspired by your intentions for the year. You'll be feeling as grounded as ever.
Gemini: Make A Daily To-Do List
The new year might already have you feeling a bit stressed, Gemini. There are 365 days of possibility ahead of you, but you're already wondering how you're going to do everything on your bucket list. You want to plan day trips, go to happy hour with your friends more, and learn a new language, but where will you find the time?
Let's swap that stress for a little self-care. You hate sticking to a routine, but why don't you make a list of things you want to get done every day? Keep it realistic, and add a line item for resting and relaxing with a magazine, too. You'll feel better knowing that you've used your time wisely.
Cancer: Pick Up Some Poetry
You often feel misunderstood, Cancer. The complexity of your emotions can be a bit complicated for people to pick up on sometimes.
So, in the New Year you should find yourself in the work of others. Poetry is an incredibly deep, but simplistic, art form. With just a few words, people can communicate emotions and situations with such a rhythmic tone.
Picking up some poetry would be perfect for you because it'll privately take your personal life and make it feel understood. You love taking care of the ones you love, Cancer, but it's time to take care of yourself, too.
Leo: Volunteer Your Vibe
You're pretty self-aware, Leo. You know what you want and need, and are pretty good at letting other people know it, too. You know that you're rather extroverted, and get your energy from the crowd you choose to surround yourself with. You love to make people laugh, and have just the right sense of humor to do so.
So, this year why not share some of your success? Where you're great at channeling your own needs, you may not be so quick to pick up on those of others. You love the spotlight, and are probably already a somewhat of a self-care champ, so it's now important to share the wealth. You'll be surprised by how much you'll receive in return for giving back.
Virgo: Spend A Day At The Spa
You can be awfully shy, Virgo, but you're the first to step up when there's hard work to do. Although self-care isn't all about bubble baths and pedicures, this year you should try taking time to slow down and spend a day at the spa.
This might sound a little cliché, or not practical for curing the chaos in your life, but you're all work and no play, Virgo. Treating yourself might seem simple, but it's something you rarely do. Break out the bath bombs and a good book.
Libra: Breathe A Little Better
You're an air sign, Libra. You love when life just flows. There's something harmonious (and let's be honest, rare) about when your surroundings feel in sync. Life's not always such a breeze, but oh boy, do you feel the best when it is.
This year, your self-care routine should bring you some balance. You love the outdoors, and fresh air is incredibly good for your body and your mind. Challenge yourself to get outside and breathe a little better. Consider taking up some meditation techniques, or just allow yourself to focus on filling your lungs.
When life is stressful or overscheduled, we don't take in oxygen like we should. Be better for your body. Breathe in. Breathe out.
Scorpio: Find Comfort In The Uncomfortable
You're a passionate one, Scorpio. You have your heart set on your goals and your eyes on the prize. There are people in your life who have been around for awhile, and have watched you face your fears over and over again. But where you are brave, you are also stubborn.
Life can feel uncomfortable at 20-something, but you'll learn to find comfort in the uncomfortable. Give yourself a rest this year, and stop trying to plan for your passions. Leaving some of life up to fate is OK, and trusting the process is important.
Sagittarius: Express Yourself Creatively
You're young, wild, and free, Sagittarius. You're known to love adventure. You don't like getting bogged down with anything less than the bigger picture, and live by your own philosophies.
So, this year it'll be important for you to not just get away, but to express yourself in every experience you have. People might have a hard time understanding why you need to escape, or the beliefs that bring you joy. Whether it's through art, photography, or just journaling, find a way to capture your intentions for the sake of yourself and others.
Capricorn: Travel By Yourself
It's so good to have standards and to set the bar high for others. This year, Capricorn, it'll be more important to find a reliable buddy in yourself and take a trip.
You love the feeling of getting something accomplished. When a task lands in your responsible hands, it's bound to get done, and get done the right way the first time around. Traveling will give you new kinds of experience and expertise to add to your playbook.
Channel your independence and make a solid plan to spend a week somewhere else in the world by yourself. You'll fall in love with the traditions and arts of another place, and find company in culture.
Aquarius: Practice Mindful Meditation
You're very intellectual, Aquarius. Practicing some mindfulness and meditation will be the perfect kind of self-care for you this year.
Unlike a Leo, you're fairly introverted and get your energy from within yourself. After a long day or social event, you need some solid time to recharge your battery before facing the world again.
Your mental health is incredibly important, Aquarius. Finding some inner peace will be important for you because you're constantly jumping mental hurdles. Those hurdles motivate you, but they don't have to destroy you. Whether you listen to a guided meditation or just sit quietly and let your mind wander into clarity, find some peace and sanctuary in your inner self.
Pisces: Work Through Everything In Writing
You're selfless, Pisces. So, giving back to yourself will be new and probably feel a little selfish. People love your tendency to trust, but that may have left you burned in the past. This year will be the perfect time to be gentle with yourself, and get a little spiritual with your self-care.
When we write, we learn a lot about ourselves. It's not the easiest task for all, but Pisces you have a knack for the creative arts, and your words will be something like a melody.
Work through your problems and thoughts in a journal. Your natural-born wisdom will give you new insights into situations and stress that have left you struggling. When all is said and done, you'll feel better for having taken it out of your mind and putting it on a piece of paper.