This Part Of Your Zodiac Chart Will Show If You & Your Partner Are Truly Compatible
There are a few things people already know about compatibility when it comes to the zodiac. Earth and Water, Fire and Air signs go together, and as long as two signs are in the same element, they usually work well too. But advanced students of astrology will tell you that knowing you and your S.O.'s sun sign pattern will give you a deeper understanding of compatibility. What are sun sign patterns? I'm glad you asked. The first time I learned about sun sign patterns was through American astrologer Linda Goodman. Her comprehensive astrology textbook, Sun Signs laid out exactly what a sun sign pattern is, what it means, and how it affects compatibility.
A sun sign pattern is determined by the months difference between two signs. So two people of the same sign (in a relationship) would be described as a 1-1 pattern. I'll lay all this out in a minute for you, but the important thing to note here is that while aspects between the personal planets can change compatibility somewhat, it can't change the vibration described in a sun sign pattern. So basically, this remains true no matter what else exists in your charts, and that kind of certainty is rare in any astrological reading.
1-1 Pattern
A 1-1 pattern describes a relationship between two people of the same sign. Aries and Aries, Taurus and Taurus, Gemini and Gemini, etc. In this sun sign pattern, the strengths and weaknesses are magnified in both of you. You must be careful not to swing between these two extremes, or the relationship can crash and burn.
2-12 Pattern
A 2-12 pattern describes a relationship between two signs that fall right next to one another on the zodiac wheel. So, according to Linda Goodman, relationships between these pairings would be considered a 2-12 pattern:
Aries — Taurus; Taurus — Gemini; Gemini — Cancer; Cancer — Leo; Leo — Virgo; Virgo — Libra; Libra — Scorpio; Scorpio — Sagittarius; Sagittarius — Capricorn; Capricorn — Aquarius; Aquarius — Pisces; Pisces — Aries
In these combinations, one person plays the teacher, and the other the student. There is something about this relationship that involves spiritual life lessons. There's a compassion inherent between the individuals, and a patient understanding for the other partner's differences, which there will be many.
3-11 Pattern
A 3-11 pattern describes a relationship between two signs that fall three or eleven spaces apart from one another on the zodiac wheel, respectively. According to Goodman's book, combinations in this pattern include:
Aries — Gemini and Aquarius; Taurus — Cancer and Pisces; Gemini — Aries and Leo; Cancer — Taurus and Virgo; Leo — Gemini and Libra; Virgo — Cancer and Scorpio; Libra — Leo and Sagittarius; Scorpio — Virgo and Capricorn; Sagittarius — Libra and Aquarius; Capricorn — Scorpio and Pisces; Aquarius — Aries and Sagittarius; Pisces — Taurus and Capricorn
These combinations of signs will be fast friends, get along well with one another, although they'll likely be annoyed by one another and probably find themselves bickering a lot.
That said, the trust and love between these individuals makes any argument easy to overcome, and the friendship that ties them together will be lasting, even if the romantic relationship ends.
4-10 Pattern
A 4-10 pattern describes a relationship between two signs that fall four or 10 spaces apart from one another on the zodiac wheel, respectively. According to Goodman's book, combinations in this pattern include:
Aries — Cancer and Capricorn; Taurus — Leo and Aquarius; Gemini — Virgo and Pisces; Cancer — Libra and Aries; Leo — Taurus and Scorpio; Virgo — Gemini and Sagittarius; Libra — Cancer and Capricorn; Scorpio — Leo and Aquarius; Sagittarius — Virgo and Pisces; Capricorn — Aries and Libra; Aquarius — Taurus and Scorpio; Pisces — Gemini and Sagittarius
This is tough one, kids. I mean if you've ever been in a relationship that was marked by a 4-10 pattern, you probably noticed how difficult it is to get along. There's just something about this person that irks you, or makes you want them to put a lid on their personality. Someone plays the disciplinarian in this relationship, and their efforts to change the other person eventually ruins it's chances for survival in a romantic sense.
5-9 Pattern
A 5-9 pattern describes a relationship between two signs that fall five or nine spaces apart from one another on the zodiac wheel, respectively. It also describes any relationship between two signs of the same element (earth, water, air, or fire.) According to Goodman's book, combinations in this pattern include:
Aries — Leo and Sagittarius; Taurus — Virgo and Capricorn; Gemini — Libra and Aquarius; Cancer — Scorpio and Pisces; Leo — Aries and Sagittarius; Virgo — Taurus and Capricorn; Libra — Gemini and Aquarius; Scorpio — Cancer and Pisces; Sagittarius — Aries and Leo; Capricorn — Taurus and Virgo; Aquarius — Gemini and Libra; Pisces — Cancer and Scorpio
The chances for a permanent, lasting relationship between these signs is more feasible than any other combination, simply because there is such a natural empathy for the other person's inherent qualities.
Disagreements and fights between these signs are useful, productive even, because no time is spent wasted trying to understand behavior that is drastically different between the individuals. The understanding is already there.
6-8 Pattern
A 6-8 pattern describes a relationship between two signs that fall six or eight spaces apart from one another on the zodiac wheel, respectively. According to Goodman's book, combinations in this pattern include:
Aries — Virgo and Scorpio; Taurus — Libra and Sagittarius; Gemini — Scorpio and Capricorn; Cancer — Sagittarius and Aquarius; Leo — Capricorn and Pisces; Virgo — Aries and Aquarius; Libra — Taurus and Pisces; Scorpio — Aries and Gemini; Sagittarius — Taurus and Cancer; Capricorn — Gemini and Leo; Aquarius — Cancer and Virgo; Pisces — Leo and Libra
This relationship pattern is like a witch's spell. You are absolutely drawn in by one another, the charisma that this person exudes is what you find sexually stimulating about them.
There is a desire to understand and get to the bottom of who this person is, and sex is generally the tool you use to do so. There's also a greater than average willingness to be of service to this person, or a willingness on their part to be of service to you. Unfortunately this person puzzles you, and makes you feel as if you'll never get the natural sympathy required to make the relationship work.
7-7 Pattern
A 7-7 pattern describes a relationship between two signs that fall seven spaces apart from one another on the zodiac wheel, on opposite sides respectively. Combinations in this pattern include:
Aries — Libra; Taurus — Scorpio; Gemini — Sagittarius; Cancer — Capricorn; Leo — Aquarius; Virgo — Pisces
Opposites do attract, and in romantic relationships, you'll find that you're drawn to this person because they personify the characteristics you don't have. You have a lot to learn from one another, and with patience and understanding, relationships in a 7-7 pattern will allow both individuals to grow more together than in any other relationship. Beware of envy, as you might admire this person so much you actually wish you could be them. Remember you have qualities that they wish they possessed, too.