Here's What Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Thinks About Thanksgiving
If you're anything like me, then you have absolutely no regrets when you indulge in the holiday perks, especially during Thanksgiving. If you're not like me, then for you, perhaps eating turkey surrounded by your family is the last thing you want to think about. You don't need to tell me which category you fall into, because I'm about to reveal what each zodiac sign secretly thinks about Thanksgiving.
Isn't it interesting how this particular holiday always take place during Sagittarius season (Nov. 22—Dec. 22)? Nothing is coincidence. Your friendly neighborhood Sagittarius is ruled by expansive Jupiter, planet of abundance, blessings, and all things in excess. Can you say life of the party?
Of course, not every sign plays well with Sagittarius, our Jupiter for that matter, which means this isn't the most wonderful time of the year for all. So, without further ado, here's how you really feel about Thanksgiving, according to your zodiac sign:
Aries: You Get Rowdy AF
You love the hustle and bustle. So much so, your family members strictly rely on you for all last-minute items on T-Day. Who else has the courage and stamina to fight through the grocery aisles in the midst of Thanksgiving traffic?
Taurus: What's Not To Love?
Thanksgiving is most definitely a mood, but it's all you. Everything from the luscious holiday desserts, to the irresistible smell of turkey baking in the oven, has your name written all over it. In fact, you are the epitome of a festive dinner party-goer.
Gemini: You Enjoy Spending Quality Time With Loved Ones
Sharing is caring, and it's never felt so right. Thanksgiving at your house? Most definitely. You can't get enough of the holiday festivities, and you love spending time with the people you love most. The amazing food doesn't hurt either.
Cancer: You Take It Very Seriously
I know you're cooking up a storm, but don't put so much pressure on yourself. Truth is, your family can't get enough of you or your home-made gravy. So, take it easy, will you?
Leo: It's Your Favorite Holiday
You're the life of the party, and the same goes for Thanksgiving dinner. What's up your sleeve this time? Will you be gracing your family and friends with yet another performance?
Virgo: You Feel Right At Home
Thanksgiving reminds you of your favorite childhood memories, and there's nothing you love more than hanging out in your PJs, and baking holiday goodies with your loved ones, before dinnertime.
Libra: You Got More Than One Invite
You've got places to go, and people to see. What can you say? You can't help it that you're popular. Though, what's your ETA? No cameo is worth your Thanksgiving dinner getting cold.
Scorpio: You Just Want Food
I know your family means the world to you, but when it comes to your Thanksgiving meal, nothing — I repeat, nothing — is more important. You know what you want, and whoever wants to talk to you will have to wait until after dinner.
Sagittarius: You Love To Party
It's always a party when you're around, and Thanksgiving is simply another reason for you to go into party mode. It is your birthday season, after all.
Capricorn: Not Your Favorite Holiday
OK, so maybe Thanksgiving isn't your favorite, but that doesn't mean you have to be a grouch about it. If you're going to be negative, then you can always work overtime and reap the benefits of that.
Aquarius: You're Hosting Friendsgiving
There's nothing you love more than hosting your annual Friendsgiving. You bring absolutely everyone together, despite any cliques. Don't deny it, you love having front-row seats to any drama.
Pisces: You're On Top Of The World
This holiday is totally your scene. So much so, people at work actually give you first dibs on taking time off around Thanksgiving weekend. Ready for your post-turkey overload sleep marathon? Some things never change.
This article was originally published on