Here's What Uranus Retrograde In Taurus Has In Store For You Starting On Aug. 11
Every retrograde cycle has a different meaning, but they all have one thing in common: They're about reflecting, revisiting, and reevaluating certain situations. The same goes for Uranus retrograde, with the exception that the "situations" you're reevaluating and revisiting depend on the planetary energy and zodiac archetypes. What happens when Uranus retrogrades in Taurus 2019, specifically? Let me start from the beginning:
Take a look and see which astrological house belongs to Taurus on your birth chart. This is where you will experience the effects of Uranus retrograde. (FYI, Uranus retrograde is nothing like Mercury retrograde, so this is your official cue to stop stressing.) Although, Uranus' recent shift into sensual Taurus took place back in March, so you've likely already started experiencing your own revolution, so to speak.
Before we get really into the retro madness, here's the 411 on the celestial rebel: Uranus, the "Great Awakener," is the planet of breakthroughs, innovation, and unexpected change. Also known as Aquarius' planetary ruler, as legendary astrologer Susan Miller would say, Uranus is "the father of electricity."
A great example of this generational planet's undeniable influence is the effects of Uranus in Aries, which I personally refer to as "the era of the virtual ego." Uranus entered Aries in 2010; Uranus rules technology and Aries is a representation of the self. Now, I'm not sure if you realized this, but Uranus in Aries was also the era of selfies. Virtual features such as FaceTime were huge turning points in the world of technology and "coincidentally" launched during this seven-year transit.
So, what happens when a disruptive planet like Uranus enters a stability-loving and practical-minded earth sign like Taurus? Combining both of these celestial energies couldn't be more of an oxymoron... but astrology never lies.
Uranus In Taurus: Mar. 6, 2018 – July 7, 2025
Taurus is a symbol of your possessions, values, sense of security, the things that bring you pleasure, as well as the money you have in the bank. During this seven-year transit, there's no doubt you will experience a revolution in regard to your finances, the things you consider "practical," your perception of beauty, and what you prefer investing your time on. However, when thinking from a collective standpoint, the world will experience change with all things related to financial income and general currency.
If you think about it, the world is already experiencing the rise of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. Also, virtual apps such as Klarna and AfterPay are making everyone's online shopping experience more pleasurable via its monthly installment features and "Pay Later" option. I mean, this transit is revolutionizing the way the world approaches money, let alone what it considers practical.
What type of revolution should you expect once Uranus stations retrograde?
Uranus Retrograde In Taurus: Aug. 11, 2019 – Jan. 10, 2020
The planets each have a mind of their own, so if Uranus is stationing retrograde, it's for a reason. Like I previously mentioned, retrograde cycles are for reflecting, revisiting, and coming to terms with unfinished business. Something else to keep in mind is, when a planet retrogrades, its energy is turned inward. In the case of rebellious Uranus, this can spark intense personal change.
This, of course, can be either a good thing or a bad thing. Retrograde planets slow down so their essence is magnified and experienced more deeply. When it comes to Uranus, this planet is disruptive, emotionally detached, and fiercely independent. To top it off, one never really knows what they're going to get with the rebellious planet. So, expect the unexpected... and fasten your seat belts while you're at it, because Uranus is here to liberate you from whatever's been keeping you stagnant. Taurus governs everything that's "mundane and practical" in your life, so the only thing I can tell you is to prepare for a much-needed shakeup.
Remember, the universe would never give you more than you can handle. You are on a spiritual journey and Uranus retrograde is here to bring you closer to the highest vibration of your being. While nothing is guaranteed, one thing's for sure: Great change awaits you and it's time to set yourself free.