Kanye Is Apparently Dropping New Music & It's Coming REALLY Soon
Kanye fans, prepare yourselves. Are you ready? I don't think you're ready. Just kidding, you're totally ready, because Kanye and Kid Cudi are apparently dropping an album together(!!!). BUT THAT'S NOT ALL. Kanye will be dropping another solo album right before that, so honestly, this day could not get any better. In four simple tweets, Kanye told us all the details we needed to know: When the albums are dropping, how many tracks his solo album will be, and apparently, some info on his new group, Kids See Ghost. If you're like, 'Wait, hold up. What is Kids See Ghost?', I'm here to fill you in. It seems that it's not only the name of the group formed by Kanye and Kid Cudi, but it also seems to be the name of their newest album.
Let me go over the deets with you.
Kanye West returned to Twitter on April 13 after taking a very long hiatus, and, in true Kanye form, threw some unadulterated shade at Nike after they released a new version of their monarch sneaker that 'Ye thought resembled his YEEZY sneakers — but deleted his tweet mere minutes after posting.
But fret not, fans of Twitter Kanye: He took to Twitter on April 19 once more and shared multiple tweets with his fans.
In his first tweet, he wrote, "my album is 7 songs":
At first, you're like, 'What album? What are you talking about, Mr. West?'
But then, a minute later, a new tweet appeared. His next tweet simply read the date, "June 1st":
Oh snap. Now we're getting somewhere!
Then, he tweeted, "me and Cudi album June 8th":
Short, sweet, and to the point: Kanye just confirmed that he and Cudi will be dropping an album together!
Which led to his most recent tweet, which needs to be read after his previous tweet, or it will make absolutely zero sense. He wrote, "it's called Kids See Ghost. That's the name of our group":
So there you have it folks. Not one, but two new albums from Yeezy.
And let's talk for a moment about Kanye's long-awaited Twitter return, because he's been on a roll these last few days. He's brought some real hard-hitting truths to his Twitter feed, getting pretty existential about the meaning of life, and TBH, I don't hate it.
Take, for instance, one of his tweets on April 18 that talks about how we (as the human race, I'm assuming?) need to care less about taking credit for good ideas, and simply be appreciative that those ideas exist. He wrote,
let's be less concerned with ownership of ideas. It is important that ideas see the light of day even if you don't get the credit for them. Let's be less concerned with credit awards and external validation.
Or my personal favorite, his tweet from the morning April 18 that talks about how both time and money are "man made currency," and I'm not going to lie, this sh*t is actually blowing my mind a little. He wrote,
There's love stories. Pain happiness. It's 3 dementional. There's taste touch sound. It's the most entertaining for of entertainment. Just being. We believe time is a man made construct. Actually time and money are both man made currency. Because you can spend them both.
Um, excuse me, Kanye? Since when did you become such a philosopher, and how can I get on your level?
But of course I can't get on his level, because he's a famous rapper who just announced that he will be dropping two albums that will undoubtedly be off the hook. AND he's made his debut back on Twitter. There's truly *no* reaching his level.
Welcome back, Mr. West. We've missed you.