
Tinder's New Swipe Surge Feature Is The Fastest Way To Get Tons Of Matches

by Hannah Schneider

Hey, friends, in case you haven't heard, Tinder is throwing a (digital) party, and you're invited. It's called Swipe Surge and it's the fastest way to get 2.5 times more amazing matches than you usually do when you swipe. So what is Tinder's Swipe Surge feature? I am glad you asked because I would love to fill you in. It's the newest holiday gift that keeps giving and giving.

Unlike the surge feature on some ride-sharing apps, this new addition to Tinder won't hurt your wallet at all (it's totally free). It does, however, function a lot like a surge on a ride-sharing app in the best way possible. Consider it the rush hour for Tinder but in a good way, instead of a late-to-work way. What it comes down to is that the more people who are using Tinder in a concentrated area, the more likely a Tinder Swipe Surge is about to happen. According to Tinder, they can last for minutes or even hours, and when they happen, you might be pleasantly surprised by your results.


According to Tinder, activity on the app can be up to 15 times higher than usual during a Swipe Surge. As a result, your matching potential is increased by up to 250 percent. This means that you could start a convo with a recent match 33 percent faster than normal, Tinder says, which is pretty sweet. So make sure you don't forget to pack your backup charger, because you don't want to miss out on this one.

A Tinder Swipe Surge is also cool because you can match with someone that may be attending the same event you are. This is excellent news for that concert you're planning to go to solo, this year's New Years Eve party or even just a busy Saturday night out. Whether you have plans to head to a music festival soon, or you've got a fun winter break trip coming up, Swipe Surge could very well introduce you to your next crush.

Michela Ravasio

Believe it or not, this new Tinder feature could even come in handy as soon as this holiday season. Consider it your built-in wingman at your hometown's local bar when you head home for the holidays this year. You know the bar I'm talking about. It's the one where everyone from high school heads when they're back in town. You usually see the most random pairings, like your old biology partner making out with your prom date from sophomore year. Totally not speaking from experience here at all. (OK, maybe I am.) Tinder Swipe Surge can come in handy when it comes to matching with that old high school flame you might see at your hometown's hot spot.

Hopefully, this news has piqued your interest because Tinder is testing out this new feature in major US cities this week! And, since you're 2.6 times more likely to receive a message, your Tinder experience is almost guaranteed to be even more fruitful than your family's holiday fruitcake.