Here Are All The Zodiac Signs Most Compatible With Aquarius
In nature, Aquarius is best represented by a hive of bees. These individuals work together as a part of the collective and see themselves as part of one, big system. That being said, there's really no astrological sign that the water bearer can't get along with. The zodiac signs most compatible with Aquarius are all of them, essentially. That's because, more than any other sign, Aquarius recognizes that every single one of the 12 astrological signs has an important role to play. Like the pollinating honeybee, Aquarius' work is often invisible, perhaps because it is essential. Instead of pollen, they carry seeds of ideas from one person to another, exchanging theories freely and carrying new ones back to their hive.
But honeybees have another association: They can sting. When Aquarius doesn't get along with somebody, it's usually because their own words have alienated them. Just like an insect, Aquarius may sometimes seem to lack a heart, but that isn't true. The reality is that all Aquarians have a heart of glass that's easily shattered. They value everyone, and when they feel betrayed, they'll pick up a glass splinter from their broken heart and use it on anyone who hurt them.
Even though they get hurt, Aquarius needs other people. The other signs are sources for new ideas and sounding boards for the ones they have developed on their own. Back at the hive, they combine these ideas to generate a sweet, sweet honey capable of repairing society's wounds. If you're one of these five signs, then you are particularly influential to my fellow fixed air signs:
1. Aries
The water bearer is the second oldest sign of the Zodiac, falling just before Pisces. That means that in their jars, Aquarians carry the watery wisdom of the ages into the present and make it new again. Aries, by comparison, is the youngest sign of the Zodiac. Aries has the tendency to burst onto the scene with a combination of humor and passion that simultaneously befuddles Aquarius and amuses them. The relationship between these two signs is a little bit like that between grandparent and grandchild. Aries makes Aquarius see the contemporary landscape, into which the water bearer pours their eccentric, wacky views.
Aries sees Aquarius as someone who needs protection. This fire sign is so down to earth that they don't understand how Aquarius can keep floating above it all. When these two signs work together, they can change the world. Aries is the spark that ignites revolution, and Aquarius carries healing waters to wash the world clean of past filth.
2. Libra
Both Aquarius and Libra are air signs, but their qualities differ in that Libra is a cardinal sign, where Aquarius is fixed. That means that Libra has the tendency to initiate ideas and leave them unfinished, while Aquarius tends to develop one single philosophy and stick with it over the course of their life. The reason these two signs vibe is that Libra can see the social implications of Aquarius' forward-thinking ideas. They understand Aquarius' visionary spirit and are able to temper their communication into palatable messages that people will understand in the here and now.
If Aquarius and Libra attend a party together, for example, imagine Aquarius as the person who starts talking about aliens and UFOs. Aquarius likes to spend a lot of time working on esoteric research projects, and it's likely that they will go way deeper into the subject than other party guests can follow. Aquarians often have the tendency to pride themselves on being as weird as possible and won't really care whether others are following or not. But as a fellow cerebral air sign, Libra will be able to understand what they are talking about better than most. Socially conscious Libra jumps in as Aquarius's translator, breaking down their new age ideas into terms the party guests can understand. In this way, the two air signs work together to spread visions of the future in ways they will be understood.
3. Scorpio
Most astrologers say that Scorpio and Aquarius aren't compatible, but, in fact, the two signs are absolutely vital presences in one another's lives. Aquarius is the water bearer. The myth goes this way: Each day, a man carried a jar miles to fill it at the well, turned back around, and journeyed home again. His vessel was cracked and dripped out water along the path. But the path was also lined in flowers, and the leaking vessel would water them, so they bloomed for generations. In this story, Scorpio represents the healing waters that Aquarius carries in their jars.
Scorpio is the psychic of the zodiac, in tune with the other world and spirit realms. Aquarius is the visionary, with the ability to shape the future. When they are at their full power, these two signs have an incredible capacity to work together as healers. But when they don't have a good understanding of themselves, they can become competitive with one another and jealous of the others' abilities. If Aquarius and Scorpio realize that their powers are different and equally valuable, they can forge a lifelong connection and work together to heal the planet.
4. Capricorn
Earthy Capricorn may not always understand where Aquarius' head goes, but they are wise enough to know that they don't need to understand everything in this world. Some people just come into your life to be appreciated, and these two signs definitely appreciate one another. Capricorn has a grounding presence in Aquarius' life. The water bearer can get too trapped in their head and spin out into anxious, looping thoughts. Capricorn helps them by bringing them back into their body and the material plane again.
In turn, Aquarius can assist Capricorn with seeing the big picture. Capricorn can get caught up in the small details and the obstacles that rise in their path. The sea goat spends their life moving up from the ocean floor to the peak of the highest mountain, and sometimes, they don't recognize their own ability to scale sheer cliffs. Aquarius sees Capricorn's full power and can act as their cheerleader, bolstering their confidence and blowing air into their sails. Just as their new-age philosophies sometimes befuddle Capricorn, Aquarius is sometimes confused by Capricorn's diligent, stubborn work ethic. These two signs might be very different, but they always want the best for one another, and their mutual respect and admiration creates a friendship that lasts.
5. Other Aquarians
Nobody understands Aquarius like other Aquarians. When one water bearer encounters another, it's a bit like what you might imagine one alien would feel when they meet a member of their same species. There is an instant recognition and relief that comes from coming across somebody who knows exactly what is going on in their swirling, oversized brain.
With other Aquarians, Aquarius can build a family. This is especially important because, perhaps more than other signs, Aquarius is usually the black sheep in their own family growing up. As children, they often believed that they had been dropped off by a spaceship, and dream of the aliens coming back to reclaim them. It's not until they meet other Aquarians that Aquarius truly feels like they have a place in this world and that this planet was meant to be their home.
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