Two happy friends try riding a bike on the walkway to the beach.

Here's What Happens To Your Zodiac Sign When Mercury Retrograde Finally Ends

by Roya Backlund

It wouldn't be summer without a little drama now, would it? This year, the cosmos are bringing plenty of it to go around, because Mercury has been retrograde since June 18. Even if you're not a follower of astrology, you probably know all about the terrors of Mercury retrograde. By now, you might even think this transit means all hell is about to break loose. Luckily, it's nowhere near as bad as you might think, but I'd be lying to you if I said it was no big deal. In fact, when Mercury retrograde summer 2020 ends, I give you permission to jump for joy, because it's definitely a reason to celebrate.

So, what exactly does Mercury retrograde mean? Well, let's start with the basics. In astrology, Mercury is the planet of communication and cognitive function. When undergoing apparent retrograde motion, this planet is not functioning the way it's used to, meaning that connections are missed, messages are lost in translation, and plenty of errors are made. After all, Mercury literally rules over the way you think and process information. When Mercury is moving backward, you're essentially speaking backward, too. That's why it's a great idea to think twice before you speak, double check everything, and leave plenty of room for mistakes during this time.

However, there is a silver lining to it all. Mercury retrograde is a beautiful opportunity for reviewing, reminiscing, rethinking, and redoing. Instead of pressuring yourself to get started on something new, use this transit's energy to make amends with your past. Mercury retrograde encourages you to tie off loose ends and go back to the drawing board. By the time it's over, you'll likely feel like you've finally gotten a sense of closure.

When Mercury finally stations direct on July 12 at 4:26 a.m., here's how it'll affect your zodiac sign:



You're starting to get a clearer picture of your heart. Embrace your deepest needs, acknowledge the pain you're healing from, and feel proud of the love that it gives. Why repress your heart when it's so powerful? Indulge in your potential for love, even if it hurts. Love is always worth it.


You know what you need to say. However, there is a time, place, and method in which to express it. You don't want to just overcome your fear of saying it; you want your message to be heard. Think about the impact of your words, because they have the power to change everything.


You might have bought into the false belief you'll be happy once you acquire X, Y, or Z. However, unless you fix whatever's preventing you from feeling happy within, no achievement — no matter how big — will matter. You're already enough, just as you are. Say it over and over again until you finally believe it.


You may have been asking yourself, "Who am I?," and wondering who you're becoming and what your purpose is. You're constantly evolving and who you are today may be very different than tomorrow. Find comfort in the excitement of your changing self. Let yourself be surprised by it all.



So much of who you are and what you're feeling is rooted in memories and traumas that took place so long ago. Dig deep and search for where they're hidden. Give yourself permission to finally feel the pain of it all so you can forgive and put it behind you. Forgive yourself, most importantly.


As you think about the person you'd like to become, it's also important to think about the people you surround yourself with. They inspire you and shape you with their influence. It's OK to outgrow certain groups and get to know new ones. New friends are in the making.


The world will always attempt to boss you around and tell you what you need to do. However, some rules are set up for the breaking. It's time to work up the courage to defy the rules standing in the way of your success. It's time to become bigger than any box could possibly contain.


You may have been expecting a road map telling you exactly where your destination lies. However, the world is not labeled for your convenience. It's a labyrinth for you to get lost in, and getting lost is half of the fun. Give yourself permission to meander and adventure.



Sharing yourself comes with so many risks. It's time to consider whether you've been devoting yourself to something that truly has your best interests at heart. Detach from toxic energy and refocus that energy on something with so much potential for long-term gratification.


You deserve someone who wants to love you and accept you for who you are. Settle for nothing less than someone who truly understands you. However, you may need to work on your own relationship patterns before you can have the relationship you desire. It always begins with you.


Your priorities may feel as though they're all over the place. Procrastination is a slippery slope, as it leads to making decisions that don't bring the best out of you. It's time to rejuvenate your routine and rethink the way you spend your time. Reform your day-to-day habits.


You can't wait for the spark of inspiration to land in your life like magic. Sometimes, you need to go searching for it instead. A writer can't wait for genius to land in their head. They have to sit at their desk and write badly over and over again until something beautiful begins writing itself.