When Your Birthday Falls In The Middle Of The Week, These 15 Struggles Are So Real
Your birthday should instantly feel like a special day. There's something extra amazing about it falling on a day like Friday or Saturday, though. Even when you were a kid, you knew that when your birthday falls in the middle of the week, the struggle is so real. Sure, your mom brought funfetti cupcakes into class, but that icing didn't taste quite the same on a Wednesday.
When you add adulting into the mix, are you even your truest self in the middle of the week? You're anticipating Friday, so you can enjoy the lovely weekend ahead, filled with celebratory shenanigans. How in the world are you supposed to get all of your birthday freebies on Hump Day?! It's downright impossible (and unfair).
As much as you should thoroughly celebrate the day you were born, the streamers lose their shine when it lands in the middle of the week. You still have that birthday glow and cake to look forward to, but it's just not the same. Sure, you have plans for the weekend, but nothing beats those "day of" vibes. Don't worry, because that midweek mess happens to everyone. These 15 struggles prove you can't have your cake and eat it too when your birthday lands in the middle of the week.
01Everyone Is Busy The Day Of
You can't blame people for being busy in the middle of the week. Chances are, you're just as preoccupied. Sadly, everyone's busyness makes your birthday seem like any other day.
02You Have To Make Plans The Weekend Before Or After
You don't want to completely forfeit your birthday because of the day it lands on. It does sort of suck making plans the weekend before or after, though. You make it work and make those plans count, though.
03You Most Likely Have To Work
Hey, you like making your money, girl. On your birthday, you just want to sit back and relax with some prosecco. You can still wear your birthday hat, but responsibilities call.
04You Don't Get To Hit Up All Of The Places With Birthday Freebies
Is it even your birthday if you didn't eat or drink something that didn't cost you a dime? You live for those birthday freebies. Sadly, it's hard to check them all off of the bucket list on a weekday.
05You Can't Watch All Of Your Favorite Birthday-Themed Movies
Watching Sixteen Candles on your couch when it's also your birthday, is something you have to do at least once. It helps amplify those birthday vibes. You won't have enough time to do this before work on a Wednesday.
06Your Birthday Outfit Is Likely Put On Hold
Who wouldn't want to wear their birthday outfit the day of their actual birthday? It's still going to be super cute, but it won't feel the same on another day. Is it Friday yet?
07You Have A Tough Time Getting Out Of Bed
You want to feel like the world is unfolding just for you on your birthday. It's hard to experience that when it's not the weekend or close to it. In fact, that's one of the toughest days to get out of bed — birthday or not.
08You Don't Really Have Time For A Birthday Dinner
After work, you're most likely going to be tired AF. Orchestrating a sit-down dinner with anyone besides yourself and your fur baby might be too much work. I hate to say this, but you're better off saving a lit birthday feast for the weekend.
09You Miss Most Of Your Birthday Calls Because Of Work
Your family is going to be calling you non-stop on your birthday. And don't even get me started on the highly-anticipated call from your bestie. Swooping in and out of the bathroom to take incoming calls isn't really ideal.
10You're Anticipating The Weekend And Not Your Actual Birthday
You acknowledge that it's your day, but if you have plans for a later time, you're focused on that. Your actual birthday seems to fly by. Blame it on those midweek blues.
11You'll Be Lucky To Squeeze In A Quick Happy Hour With The Girls
You don't want any part of your birthday to feel rushed. Unfortunately, that's what you may have to resort to. As much as you want to be in the moment, you're also making sure you're prepped for the next day. Week isn't over yet, remember?
12It Feels Weird Requesting The Day Off
Taking a day off in the middle of the week seems kind of wonky. You'll come back with a few more days to tackle, which is such a struggle. If you want to spend your birthday solo anyway, taking off isn't too bad.
13The Night Before Your Birthday Is A Tad Less Exciting
You know that feeling when you're so anxious for it to be your birthday? The night before is so restless, and you look forward to doing whatever you want to. Those emotions are way less intense in the middle of the week.
14Your Birthday Dance Loses A Bit Of Its Excitement
Everyone does an excited dance on their birthday. I'm not saying you still don't get down when you wake up to those birthday morning vibes, but it'd be so much better on the weekend. You still dance like no one's watching.
15You Have To Share The Spotlight
While it may not be anyone else's birthday, the day seems less about you. Maybe everyone's focused on that big monthly meeting or client calls. That glorious birthday attention has to be shared with others.
Don't let these struggles deter you from living your best life on your birthday. Own it, and make it a special day to remember.