'Orange Is The New Black' Fans Are Desperate To See This Character In Season 6
Orange Is The New Black fans will probably notice a few faces missing from the prison yard in the new season of the series. As Season 6 moves all of the inmates we have become familiar with from good old Litchfield Penitentiary into a scary and dangerous new environment, a handful of fan favorite characters have notably been lost in the shift. One of these lost Litchfieldians is Maritza Ramos. So, where is Maritza on Orange Is the New Black Season 6, and will we ever see her again? Let's go over what we know.
Throughout the first five seasons of Orange Is the New Black, Maritza has been inseparable from her best friend Flaca, as the duo provided much of the humor, joy, and beauty tips to the oftentimes depressing lives of the women in Litchfield. But fans had to watch the heartbreaking moment that Flaca and Maritza were forced apart at the very end of Season 5. Throughout the fifth season's prison riot, Maritza and Flaca mostly avoided any drama by focusing on their prison beauty tutorials YouTube channel, which wound up becoming a surprise hit, but once armed officers stormed the prison and put an end to the riot, Maritza and Flaca were forced to board buses to maximum security prisons along with everyone else. The only catch was that Flaca and Maritza were forced onto two different buses, seemingly bound for two separate prisons.
It takes a while, but Season 6 does confirm that Maritza was moved to a completely separate prison from Flaca and the bulk of the Litchfieldians, who were put in a maximum security prison just a few minutes away from Litchfield Penitentiary. The new season opens only focusing on the handful of inmates found in Frieda's hidden bunker at the end of last season, as investigators attempt to single out a number of these women to go down in court as the faces of the Litchfield riot. But soon enough, these major players in the riot leave their sequestered cells and are introduced to the general population at max, which includes some familiar faces and a whole lot of scary new ones.
One of these familiar faces is Flaca, who actually seems to be coping surprisingly well with the loss of her best friend. As more and more Litchfieldians appear from among the crowd in the maximum security prison, it becomes clear that Maritza is not there. Early in the season, Lorna Morella informs Piper that the Litchfield prisoners were bussed off to prisons all over the country, and we even get a quick glimpse at a federal detention center in Cleveland that now holds Big Boo, Alison, Skinhead Helen, and Linda from Purchasing (before her identity as an MCC worker is finally confirmed). But it does not seem like Maritza is there either.
Towards the end of the new season, Flaca laments the fact that her best friend is thousands of miles away, so it seems most likely that Maritza is being held in a new prison that we have not seen yet in the series. Hmm, maybe that is something we can see next season?