Where You’ll Meet Your Next Casual Hookup, Based On Your Sign
Who says a meet-cute needs to lead to a long-term relationship? Whether you cross paths with a cutie at an open mic night or reach for the same Twilight bath bomb at the downtown Lush, when it comes to knowing where you’ll meet your next casual hookup, the options are truly endless. And if you're looking for some extra celestial guidance in your search for your next hot and heavy hookup, following your zodiac sign can be super helpful.
From a karaoke dive bar to a dusty used book store, your next casual hookup may be out there, just waiting to be found. Of course, no matter your sign, the most important part of a hookup is discussing consent and boundaries before turning up the heat. Although a casual thing can be fun and flirty for all, making sure everyone is on the same page is always the first step to getting to it. There's nothing cute about ghosting or miscommunication, no matter when you were born. But if you're both clear about what you're looking for, a casual hookup can be just what the love doctor ordered.
Here is where you'll meet your next hookup, based on your zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21–April 19): A Party
If you want to know where the party's at, ask an Aries. A trendsetter and live wire, this fire sign is likely to meet their next hookup at a party, while dancing on a table or fighting over the AUX cord.
Taurus (April 20–May 20): A Lush Store
Ah, Taurus. The bull has a taste for the finer things in life and loves nothing more than to pamper themselves. From bath bombs to body balms, Taurus is likely to meet their next hookup at a Lush store, bonding over the latest luxe product.
Gemini (May 21–June 20): A Singles Mixer
This talkative air sign lives to flirt and will make it a point to get to places where they know there will be singles. An event centered around meeting new cuties? Count Gemini in.
Cancer (June 21–July 22): A Used Bookstore
Sentimental Cancer loves tradition and history. Intuitive and emotional, this crab isn't often one for "casual hookups," but will likely meet their next date at a used bookstore with lots of dust and a wise old man behind the counter.
Leo (July 23–Aug. 22): Doing Karaoke
Leo loves the limelight. Whether they're doing a Spice Girls song with all of their friends or a Beyoncé solo performance, they're likely to meet their next hookup at a karaoke bar, when all eyes are on them.
Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): The Grocery Store
Virgos like to make a list and check it twice. Analytical and structured, they're likely to meet their next hookup in the organic aisle of the grocery store, looking for fair trade vanilla and not straying from their lists.
Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): A Nightclub
Lively Libra likes to hit the town with their friends. Charismatic and social, they're likely to meet their next hookup dancing at their favorite club or waiting in line to get into the newest hot spot.
Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): An Indie Movie House
Artsy Scorpio is intense. Poetic and sensual, they're likely to meet their next hookup at the indie movie house they went to alone in the middle of the day (where they go to really sit with their thoughts).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): Literally Anywhere
When you look up "casual hookup" in the dictionary, you probably see Sagittarius. A free spirit and adventurous soul, this archer likes to go wherever the wind blows and loves to meet new cuties along the way. They're likely to meet their next hookup literally wherever they go.
Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan.19): On Tinder
Ambitious Capricorn doesn't like to waste time. This earth sign is likely to meet their next hookup on Tinder, as they're editing their resume and looking over their five-year plan.
Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): Waiting For Your Uber
Quirky Aquarius dances to the beat of their own drum. One to talk to strangers and find themselves in new neighborhoods, they're likely to meet their next hookup while waiting for their Uber home from somewhere they wandered to.
Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20): An Art Show
Dreamy Pisces is creative and imaginative. Drawn to art and cultural events, they'll likely meet their next hookup at an art show or opening for an edgy new sculptor or avant-garde digital filmmaker-turned-oil-painter.
Whether you cross eyes at the supermarket or bump into each other at a bar, Your next casual hookup could be right around the corner.