Millennials Have Happier Relationships Than People From Any Other Generation
In general, Millennials get a lot of flak from other generations. They say don't know how to take time to enjoy what's going on around us; that we get our news solely from Facebook; that our phones have gotten in the way of us developing the social skills that just came naturally to them; and worst of all, that we're entitled. The list goes on. But what's one thing they can't say about us from here on out? That we don't know how to have a happy relationship. In fact, a study by eHarmony looked into who has the happiest relationships and it turns out Millennials are more satisfied in that department than any other living generation.
People over at eHarmony HQ had their friends over at Harris Interactive conduct an online survey of 2,084 American adults who were either married or in an LTR. Their respondents, in general seemed to be pretty happy with their relationships. In fact, they found that a whopping 64 percent of them said they are "happy with their relationships." Only a minuscule 19 percent of Americans said they were not happy.
Now, of those happy people, the researchers found that there's one group of people who tend to be the happiest. Yep, you guessed it. Millennials! Or specifically, the study looked at people between the ages of 25 and 34. The study found that the willingness of Millennial men and women to compromise and go to therapy makes them the happiest in their relationships than any other age group. Additionally, the study found that Millennials are twice as likely to fight with their partners than other couple. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. No, in fact, the study found that, even with the fighting, Millennials are still more devoted to making their relationships as happy as they can be than other groups tend to be.
So what makes for a "happy" relationship? I don't know about you, but I tend to associate happy relationships with regular mind-blowing sex. While the two can go together, the study found that fulfillment in your sex life doesn't necessarily translate to emotional fulfillment in your relationship. In fact, both happy and unhappy people reported that they were having sex regularly with their partners. This goes to show that regular sex does not signify happiness.
Now, let's talk about what does make for a happy relationship. For starters, having things in common is a great way to determine happiness. Couples who shared common values and liked to resolve conflict the same way were more likely to be happy in their relationships than others. Another trick to finding a happy relationship? Don't settle! The study found that people who waited for true love were happier than those who settled down with the first person who came along as soon as they were ready.
But this isn't to say that the material things don't matter at all when it comes to happiness. In fact, the study found that the happiest couples not only have college degrees, but they are employed and bring in a household salary of over $200,000. So...I guess money does buy happiness.
Even if you and your BAE don't bring in $200,000 a year, there's one reassuring message that can be learned in this piece: communication really is key. If you want to make your relationship work, you can! There obviously does come a time where the relationship really has gone past the point of you being able to fix it. But, for the most part, all relationships do take a bit of work. Devote yourself to making it the happiest relationship possible by openly communicating how you feel and doing whatever it takes to make it work.
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