3 Things To Know About The Star Of Zayn Malik's New Music Video, Sofia Jamora
Have you guys heard "Let Me," Zayn Malik's first single off his forthcoming second solo album? If you haven't I suggest that you give it a listen. Actually, do one better and watch the music video, because you will seriously not be disappointed. It features Zayn Malik (obviously), but it also features a very, very beautiful woman who looks very similar to Gigi Hadid, Zayn's ex. But, it's not Gigi. As a matter of fact, the woman who plays Malik's love interest in the video is Sofia Jamora. So, who is Sofia Jamora? Here are a few things you might not know about her.
1. She's a successful swimsuit model.
Jamora models for a brand called Frankies Bikinis, and, in an interview for their blog, Jamora talked about how she began her modeling career. She said,
I was at a trunk show in Westlake at Kate and Lace, Mimi (co-founder of Frankies Bikinis) came up to me and asked me if I've ever modeled before and if I'd like to. From there I shot with Frankies and that opened up a whole bunch of opportunities for me!
And if you scroll through her Insta feed, you'll see her in her element, totally crushing it. And speaking of Jamora's Instagram...
2. She has a huge social media following.
As a successful model, she's gained a pretty big following of fans (she's got 1.7 million followers on Instagram), and in her interview, she said that it comes as a "surprise" to her that so many people follow her, but wants to use her recognition to eventually do some good in the world. When asked about her experience gaining such a huge audience, she said,
It came as a surprise to me. It's still very weird to wake up to more followers day by day but hopefully if I gain enough I could start promoting more charities and causes that are in need of attention as well as promoting my favorite brands.
It shouldn't be all that surprising to her, though, considering she looks stunningly beautiful in nearly every photo she's taken. Even her selfies are next-level.
Here she is looking like a damn dream:
And here she is with the most envious bed-head I've ever seen:
And here she is in a gorgeous sun-kissed selfie:
Slay, Sofia, slay.
3. She's got acting chops.
While she's not in any major films, Zayn Malik's "Let Me" video is pretty excellent, and she crushes her character's role.
So if you feel like seeing Jamora get hot and heavy with Zayn Malik, I *highly* encourage you to watch the music video for "Let Me." It's part-gangster drama, part-kung-fu, and part-romance all played out in four satisfying minutes. In the video, Zayn's character seems up to no good, making business deals with some sketchy people. But the sketchy boss-man also introduces Zayn's character to the beautiful Sofia Jamora, who he will get to be with if the deal goes through (I have a few problems with this notion, but I'll move on for brevity's sake).
But Zayn's character and Jamora's character clearly fall in love, and stop at nothing to make sure that they end up together, shady business deals be damned. There's some fighting, there are some makeout sessions, and then there are two lovers sailing off into the sunset together. Basically, it's glorious.
Giving Zayn all the awards for this video, and giving Jamora a big thumbs-up for nailing the role of "beautiful-but-badass love interest."
While Jamora certainly has a lot in common with Gigi Hadid, that doesn't necessarily mean she was casted solely for that reason. She's a successful model with a huge following, so I'm sure that played into things quite a bit. As for whether or not Malik would fill everyone in on who "Let Me" is actually about, in an interview with the BBC on April 12, he talked about how revealing who the song is for would only "complicate things." He said,
It's not always the wisest thing to do, it just complicates things so I have tended not to do that anymore, I just keep it to myself.
His response is completely understandable in my opinion, and we should just appreciate the music video itself. Both Malik and Jamora are so good performing their characters that I serious wish that they'd consider to extend the story. I'm thinking maybe a two-hour film — you know, nothing fancy.
Consider it you guys, OK?