Yup, Alayah Is Gone From 'The Bachelor' Again, Here's What Went Down
While many contestants' Bachelor journeys end after not being offered a rose, Alayah Benavidez proved to be an exception to this rule when she returned the show for Week 4 after being sent home the prior rose ceremony. But oof, her return did not go over well, and it stirred up turmoil among the ladies and even with Peter himself. Nonetheless, she seemed determined to win Peter back, so when Alayah left The Bachelor for a second time, fans — and Alayah herself — might've been pretty confused.
When Peter sent Alayah home during Week 3, he immediately felt regrets. Alayah apparently wasn't happy with the decision either, and she traveled to Cleveland to meet Peter and the ladies for Week 4. After speaking with his recently-let-go contestant, Peter ended up inviting Alayah back to the show, and even gave a her the night's group date rose. However, Alayah continued to rub the other women the wrong way for a number of reasons, such as telling other contestants about Victoria F.'s history with Chase Rice, and simply taking up other time with Peter.
Before they could make it to the rose ceremony at the beginning of the Feb. 3 episode, Peter realized Alayah's return was all too much, and he took her aside. "I know that you have an amazing heart, and that you are a good person," he told her. "I felt such a strong connection with you from Night 1. You opened up to me and you showed me a vulnerable side of yourself that I could tell wasn’t easy for you to do. And that meant so much to be as well. I think that, just with everything that’s happened, this is, like, a little too much."
Alayah nodded in understanding, mustering a whispered "It's OK," and then Peter confirmed her journey was over. "I don’t want to have to put you through any more of this. I just think that it’s probably time to say goodbye," he said before politely escorting her out of the cocktail party. And just like that, Alayah's Bachelor journey was over, for a second (and likely final) time.
Upon returning to the group alone, Peter addressed Alayah's departure. "I know how this could come off as wishy-washy and not knowing what I want, but I know what I want," Peter assured the remaining women, adding: "I want you all to know I value you all so much. I hear you, I trust you, and hopefully you trust me."
Many of the contestants seemed pleased with the news of Alayah's departure; Victoria F. expressed relief that Peter made his final decision (as long as it was "in stone"). Other women, like Lexi and Deandra, remained unsure what the whole situation said about his character. "I do have more questions I would have asked," Deandra said, explaining she'd need more answers before feeling completely comfortable with the Bachelor's decision-making.
"I hope the girls trust me, and I'm going to be very confident with my decisions moving forward," Peter told cameras. It seems like he'll have to ooze confidence for the rest of the show to ensure the ladies he's ready to find the one, and hopefully not go back on that decision at the end of it all.
Peter Weber's season of The Bachelor airs on Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.