Tristan Thompson Was Noticeably Missing From The Kardashian Family Vacation, But Here's Why
Khloé Kardashian was busy soaking up some serious sunsets on a vacation with her daughter and sisters in Bali last week and she's been sharing stunning pictures of gorgeous beaches, whimsical clouds, and most recently, posted a sweet picture of herself and her daughter True. It's a classic Kardashian family affair. However, noticeably, one person is missing. People are wondering — why didn't Tristan Thompson vacation with the Kardashians? Honestly, no one freak out. He's just busy playing basketball.
It seems like every day a new report breaks with an update about the status of Kardashian and Thompson's relationship. Right now, Khloé and True are staying in her home state of California while Thompson lives in Cleveland, Ohio where he plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers. Understandably, some people are pointing to the long-distance relationship as a sign of trouble. So, when Khloé shared a touching picture with their daughter and wrote a caption referencing all the memories they're making, some fans wondered if she was low-key throwing shade at Thompson, too. Her caption said:
In my life, I don’t believe I have ever seen a sunset more beautiful than the ones I witnessed in Bali. Black sand beaches that sparkle and cotton candy sunsets. Thankful for the memories baby True and I are creating 💕
In just under two hours the photo gained nearly 1.7 million likes, and not for nothing. It's awesome. Still, some people are feeling weird about Thompson's absence and seemingly being "snubbed" in Khloé's caption.
But the truth is, Kardashian and Thompson seem to be enjoying a "back on" spell. In fact, when she returned home to Calabasas from Bali, she was greeted by a huge surprise from Thompson. He left her a giant silver balloon message spelling out the words "Welcome Home." Kardashian even posted a photo of the greeting on her Instagram story, captioning it, "Thank you baby."
Hm, that doesn't sound like two people currently feuding.
Plus, the NBA season just started, which means Thompson is back to work. His season schedule as a professional basketball player is probably the most obvious reason he wasn't able to make the trip. However, it seems like the distance from Khloé might have given her an opportunity to do some important reflection, too.
When she came back from her trip on Oct. 27 (and presumably saw the balloons) the new mom jumped onto Twitter where she posted plenty of introspective and thoughtful messages. "Im thankful for every moment I have! I didn’t used to be present enough to truly reflect on the beauty of it all! The highs, lows. I was simply going through the motions of life! Im thankful that I’m in a place where I truly appreciate every experience. Good, bad or indifferent," she wrote, adding:
Be patient, tough and have faith. Someday ur pain/struggles will be useful to you. Don’t be afraid to fall apart or fail. Cuz, 1day, the situation will open an opportunity for you to grow and rebuild yourself into the brilliant person you are capable of being.
Kardashian also wrote about her initiatives to continue bettering herself and how "self-awareness is beautiful."
No matter how you cut it, this all sounds pretty positive and optimistic, right? But also, I almost feel for Thompson here. I wish I was on that Bali vacation, too.