Hannah B.'s Body Language With Tyler C. Reveals If They'll Get Back Together
After a whirlwind Bachelorette finale, there's one question at the forefront of Bachelor Nation's mind: Will Hannah Brown and Tyler Cameron get back together? Their body language, unfortunately, leaves us with more questions than answers. Even when the competition was down to the final two — the beloved Tyler and the less-than-beloved Jed Wyatt — who Hannah was truly into (and her body language because of it) was difficult to figure out. Observing how Hannah interacted with both men throughout the show, psychologist Dr. Joshua Klapow picked up on how she tends to mirror the body language of whichever man she's with.
When Hannah is one-on-one with soft-spoken, sensitive artist Jed, Klapow told Elite Daily, "[Hannah] leans into him vs. jumps into him. She places her hand on his shoulder vs. wraps her arms around him. She softens her tone and speaks with more of a pensive eyebrow when she is conversing with Jed." Whereas with Tyler, Klapow notes, Hannah has more open and playful body language. "She plays more with him: more touching, faster movements, more physical teasing."
Now that Jed is out of the picture, does Tyler stand a chance? Here's a look at some moments from this past.
Hannah and Tyler's first meeting
Even looking at Hannah and Tyler from the beginning, body language expert Traci Brown expresses doubts. "She’s into him, leaning forward," Brown says. "But he’s leaning back, so he’s not as into her."
Hannah and Tyler in Latvia
This photo of Tyler and Hannah in the Latvian market is absolutely heart-warming — even Mike and Dustin can't help but smile at their chemistry. That being said, Brown isn't convinced that this interaction is as warm and fuzzy as some viewers make it out to be. "This embrace looks great on the surface," Brown admits. But, she says, "Notice that he’s only got one arm around her. They’re not as close as you think."
Hannah and Tyler in the Netherlands
This snap of Hannah and Tyler framed by the tulips looks super cute and endearing on the surface — and the way their bodies are turned in toward to each other might seem like a solid sign. But, as Brown points out, "They’ve got their heads together, but are looking different places."
When it comes down to it, Hannah and Tyler's body language shows that they're not necessarily "a team" or "on the same wave length," Brown says. Apart from the two working to meet in the middle (when it came to their desires and how they express them) on the show, it seems Tyler and Hannah still aren't on the same page.
A few days after their Aug. 1 date, Tyler was photographed hanging out with Gigi Hadid. When asked how she felt about it, Hannah told People: “I’m not really sure where things stand with us right now. I’m single. Dating [Tyler] is too strong of a word. I’m figuring it out.”
Hannah and Tyler during hometowns in Florida
The two dousing each other in sunscreen during the hometowns episode was one of the more light-hearted, memorable moments in this season of The Bachelorette. And was also a prime example of how both Hannah and Tyler are clearly at ease with each other. "They toy and tease one another, play with one another, joke and laugh," Klapow observed.
This was also apparent in hometowns when the two broke out into dance (and Bachelor Nation was treated once again to Tyler's superior dance moves). The fact that these two are so comfortable around each other — in a way that Hannah wasn't around Jed — could be a solid sign that a relationship could work post-Bachelorette.
Tyler and Hannah in Greece
In general, Klapow noticed that Hannah's interactions are less stiff with Tyler than Jed, and there's for sure "a sexual overtone." Next to Hannah and Peter's windmill escapades, Tyler's massage takes the cake as one of the hottest moments in The Bachelorette.
Sexual chemistry has never been a problem for this pairing — something that Hannah expressed concerns about going into Fantasy Suites and the final weeks of the show. Of course, paired with emotional intimacy (and not just physical), Hannah and Tyler's sexual chemistry could promise an exciting relationship after the Final Rose.
Hannah asking Tyler out during The Bachelorette finale
As Klapow said to Elite Daily of Hannah's final decision, "Her preference is hers." And ultimately, as Bachelor Nation saw during part two of the finale, Hannah's romantic destiny is hers. She flipped the script and asked Tyler out for drinks.
As far as their body language during the finale goes, expert Dr. Lillian Glass notices "they're mirroring each other's body language." Their bodies are turned toward each other — a good sign. But Hannah places her hand on Tyler's knee whereas Tyler keeps his hand to himself. He's also leaning back, which reflects Hannah and Tyler's body language from the very beginning: Hannah is super into it and Tyler is the one holding back.
The verdict?
At this stage of the game, with Hannah and Tyler still showing hesitant and mismatched body language, a fully-fledged romantic relationship might not happen between these two. "Overall. I do not think they’re destined to succeed in this relationship," Brown concludes. "There’s just not a lot of signs it’s gonna work."
On a July 31 episode of the Almost Famous podcast (run by Bachelor alums Ben Higgins and Ashley Iaconetti), Tyler said:
[Hannah] and I need to take it very slowly and we need to just have a drink and see how we are around each other. If we were to just rush into something right away and try and be boyfriend and girlfriend right after the Final Rose, it would not be healthy for us, it wouldn’t be good.
Yes, Tyler was snapped leaving Hannah's Los Angeles home in early August, with Hannah looking quite pleased with how the night went. But Tyler followed Gigi Hadid on Instagram and meeting up with her in New York. Even Hannah was adamant about saying that she isn't interested in pursuing a relationship with him right this second. When asked about their relationship, Hannah told Entertainment Tonight, "I have feelings, but I’m also single and he’s single. I wanna keep my options open and he can keep his options open." If Tyler and Hannah's mismatched body language doesn't tell you anything, then you've heard it from Hannah herself.