4 Reasons Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Will Last Forever, According To Dating Experts
First, I want to be extremely clear: Meghan Markle is a sparkling diamond of a (soon-to-be literal) princess, and Prince Harry is the scruffy-refined hybrid of a man from my (quite literal) dreams. They are perfect, and I am a sucker who will absolutely wake up at an ungodly hour to live stream their royal wedding. Usually a grumpy curmudgeon when I see any engagement photo on Instagram, I am weirdly involved in this really, really ridiculously good-looking couple. If you were to ask me if Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will last, I would say, "THEY BETTER."
But what if they go all Anna Faris/Chris Pratt on us? Well, let me also be extremely clear about the fact that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are just two human beings who are allowed to do whatever the f*ck they want. As senior matchmaker and dating coach Lori Salkin, of SawYouatSinai.com, put it, "No one can ever know what goes inside behind the closer doors of another's relationship, but when you're an English Prince dating an American actress, you're unfortunately subject to your private life being public." OK, so that means we're allowed to talk about it, right?
Now that I've shown my truly embarrassing, giddy-for-royalty colors, I'll also share what four actual relationship and dating experts predicted for H&M. (Harry & Meg? Can that be a thing? Or too low-brow? It's British, after all.) Spoiler alert: Things are looking good for this enviable pair.
1. Their Body Language Says YES
In my humble opinion, H&M — let me have this — do seem genuinely into one another in the photos and videos flooding the internet this week. There's a boyish grin on Harry that seems impossible to feign. "Prince Harry and Megan Markle have always had very loving and warm body language. They're always smiling and very affectionate," says Salkin. "Even in the outtakes from their engagement interview, they're laughing and joking around with each other."
Salkin adds that this is not necessarily the norm when it comes to the Royal Family. "[They] appear to have that special bond, their own inside jokes, and secrets that anyone in a loving, committed relationship knows is an important part of being in love."
2. They Compliment Each Other
Who doesn't love a compliment? Being able to express your admiration of your SO in front of the whole world seems like a pretty good indication that a relationship is full of respect and love to me. Julia Bekker, matchmaker and relationship coach with Hunting Maven, confirmed my hypothesis: "They seem to have a lot of chemistry, admiration and respect toward one another," she says. "They compliment each other, and refer to themselves as a team, which is essential to a relationship." She added that Prince Harry's declaration that he knew she was the one the first time he saw her seems genuine, not simply based on lust and looks. Yay! Uh oh... my giddiness is back...
3. The Things They Have Going Against Them Aren't Terrible
I spoke to Alessandra Conti, Celebrity Matchmaker at Matchmakers In The City, who kept it real and reminded super-giddy me that, of course, as with any relationship in its first year, there are some possible road bumps ahead. Still, she says, "Even though Harry is known as being the more impulsive, wild brother, a royal engagement does not happen every day, and is not taken lightly."
The fact that Markle is an actress adds to the amount of scrutiny the couple will face, but Conti adds, "A major benefit of this couple is that Meghan is not a 20-something, starry-eyed Hollywood actress. She is 36 years old, which gives her a level of maturity that will help keep the relationship steady and strong." I didn't realize Harry was marrying someone three years his senior, and I am totally pro. (I mean, it's also 2017.)
4. They Are Willing To Be Flexible
Flexibility is key in any relationship. Of course, one party in a relationship will likely make more sacrifices than the other, but if the love is there, those sacrifices shouldn't cause a rift. Dating expert Meredith Golden, of SpoonmeetSpoon, says she believes the couple will last because "Meghan demonstrates flexibility and that she's willing to make a lot of sacrifices." Markle just wrapped her final season on Suits and moved to London, so the commitment to her relationship is there. The pair is clearly willing to make changes to their lifestyles to make the relationship work, especially Meghan. But I mean, wouldn't you for Prince Harry? (*Suddenly realizes Harry is her exact type*)
My biggest takeaway from all of this expert input? This relationship seems refreshingly genuine for two very famous humans. I don't know these two people, I have no idea what will happen to them in the future, and I definitely still want to know if Harry had seen Suits before meeting Markle. Let's be real: I wish the couple the very best (since they are totally reading this), I want to marry a budget Prince Harry IRL, and I simply cannot wait to see if Meghan's dress can top Kate's. Cheers, H&M, we all want to be you.
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