'Parasite' Fans Are Desperate To Know If A Sequel Is A Possibility
In a year full of incredible movies, the psychological thriller Parasite stood out as one of the most gripping films of 2019. A relentless social commentary on the increasingly apparent class divide worldwide, Parasite ended with a bleak final moment, but some fans may be curious if there will be a Parasite sequel to continue the story of the Kim family. Although that ending seemed hopeful for the impoverished family's future, writer/director Bong Joon Ho clarified what that moment really meant. Spoiler alert: Do not read on if you haven't seen Parasite.
While Parasite is racking up a ton of love this awards season — being shortlisted for the Oscars and earning Best Director, Best Screenplay, and Best Foreign Language Film nominations at the Golden Globes — it seems incredibly unlikely Bong will make a follow-up movie. The creator has never made a sequel for any of his past films, and given that Parasite ends with his signature tone of uneasiness and discomfort, it does not seem like he will break his pattern now.
Some moviegoers new to Bong's films may have guessed the movie ending with Kim Ki-woo resolving to attend college, make a ton of money, and buy the house his father is trapped in may have set up a sequel showing the ambitious son doing just that... but really, that ending was meant to be a dismal conclusion to the story rather than a glimmer of hope.
In an interview with Vulture, Bong detailed how Ki-woo's fantasy of freeing his father fading away into his underground apartment was mean to make it clear he would never actually fulfill his dream of becoming wealthy.
It's a surefire kill. Maybe if the movie ended where they hug and fades out, the audience can imagine, "Oh, it’s impossible to buy that house," but the camera goes down to that half-basement. It’s quite cruel and sad, but I thought it was being real and honest with the audience. You know and I know — we all know that this kid isn’t going to be able to buy that house. I just felt that frankness was right for the film, even though it’s sad.
If that comment did not already make it evident that Parasite 2 is not going to happen, then Bong's list of future projects will. Rather than entertain the idea of a sequel, Bong told Collider he is next working on a Korean horror film and a movie in English inspired by a 2019 CNN article.
So, while audiences who loved Parasite will most likely not be getting a sequel, they do have future movies from Bong to look forward to becoming absolutely engrossed by.