
Younes Bendjima Commented On Kourtney K's Instagram From Her Congress Talk & It's So Sweet

by Kelli Boyle

Kourtney Kardashian is keeping up with her politics. The mother of three recently paired up with Environmental Working Group on a campaign aimed at introducing legislation in congress that will require beauty brands to limit the harmful chemicals put into everyday beauty and household products used by adults and children alike. She appeared in D.C. before congress on Tuesday, April 24, and naturally, she posted on Instagram about it afterward. Her boyfriend commented his support on the photo, and Younes Bendjima's comment on Kourtney Kardashian's congress Instagram is such a sweet supportive boyfriend move.

Kardashian posted a photo of herself at the Lincoln Memorial on Wednesday, April 25. Her caption was all about her work with Environmental Working Group. She said,

I went to Capitol Hill with @environmentalworkinggroup yesterday to advocate for safer personal care products because everyone, including children deserve to be protected from chemicals in their products we know cause harm. It's time for Congress to do its job. Stand with me and take action today. #BeautyMadeBetter

Bendjima, whom Kardashian has been dating for about a year now, commented on the post, saying, "Look at you, changing the world" with the brain and pink heart emojis. I'm feeling that love, guys.

The Kardashians don't make political statements too frequently, so Kourtney Kardashian's congressional address is a big move for her.

Kardashian's team-up with EWG has been given the hashtag #BeautyMadeBetter. According to People, cosmetics laws have barely changed over the last 80 years (which is mind-blowing to consider), and that's the biggest reason behind EWG and Kardashian's initiative.

In her address, Kardashian talked about her early days of motherhood and how shocked she was to learn that household products she used with her baby Mason that she thought were safe actually weren't. She said,

When I had my first son, I started really learning so much about the foods that I was feeding him and it just kind of all snowballed. As a mom, you really take so much interest in the products… and it’s so crazy. I was thinking about it this morning. I would get so many baby gifts and a lot of it were products, skincare products for my kids.

She continued, “And I would use the things that people sent me just assuming these are baby products and that they should be safe. I remember learning from my mom friends that these were not healthy at all.”

This is a big new move in Kardashian's career, so it's good to see Bendjima showing his support. And it definitely helps dispel rumors that he cheated on Kardashian. On April 11, The Daily Mail reported that Bendjima was seen out getting food with two women in Beverly Hills while Kardashian was on vacation in Turks and Caicos. The report said Bendjima "was seen hugging one of his pals goodbye after the trio enjoyed a sushi dinner at Matsuhisa together on Tuesday night." Uh, OK? That is cheating how? Bendjima, having none of this, called out the report on his Instagram story. He posted a screenshot of the article with the caption, "Daily Mail aka Daily Bullsh*t, Where are the 6 other men I was with? What you guys trynna do? Nice cut tho you piece of sh*t." Anddddd there's that! Now let's get back to our regularly scheduled programming of talking about the Kardashians.

Kardashian has been vocal about her passion for safe beauty and everyday products for a long time.

In another part of her briefing with congress, Kardashian said,

Even going into a store to buy just about anything … you shouldn’t have to walk around aimlessly asking ‘Is this OK?’ ‘Is this not OK?’ Everybody should have the right to healthy products. I do feel like it’s time for Congress to do its job.

Tell 'em, girl! Hopefully Kardashian's partnership with EWG will help affect cosmetics laws nationwide, but it's good to see that Younes Bendjima will be there cheering Kardashian on along the way.