
Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here & It's Full Of Highs & Lows

by Roya Backlund

Aries season is certainly living up to the hype this week, because the cosmos are giving you whiplash with all the transits taking place. After all, this fire sign is known for bursts of energy, raging fires, and a passion that never rests. Your April 8, 2019, weekly horoscope will have you going through so many different feelings, but you don't have to be afraid. This is all in favor of the beauty that is existence. Allow Aries season to remind you of how good it feels to be alive.

You've just come out of the dreamlike haze that is Mercury conjunct Neptune, only to plummet back into your fantasy land when Neptune reaches Venus on April 10. This will give you a pair of rose-colored glasses and make you feel so much more romantic and enchanted by your relationships. However, this can also cause you to overlook the facts of a situation, leading you to be overly trusting. Keep your commitments in check. On the same day, the sun will also form a square with disciplinarian Saturn, which could put you face-to-face with karmic consequences or challenges that force you to rise to the occasion. Try not to take the easy way out. Mercury — planet of communication and thought — will later form a sextile with dark and spiritual Pluto, which will turn your mentality towards depth and truth. Don't be afraid to search through shadows.

Jupiter retrograde begins on April 10, which will launch you into a period of introspection that lasts until Aug. 11. Since Jupiter is the planet of philosophy, adventure, and expansion, you're meant to reconnect with these aspects of your life in a spiritual, internal way. What makes you fulfilled? How is adventure calling you into the unknown? Allow your growth to start from deep within, even if no one else sees it.

Your relationships will find some solid ground when Venus forms a sextile with Saturn on April 12. This is a great time to see the reality of your situation and do what's necessary to build trust and a commitment that can last. However, you may feel threatened or pulled under when the sun is pitted against Pluto on the same day. Your negative habits may come back to haunt you, so let this be a learning experience. You'll come out of it a stronger and more open-minded person, especially because the sun will also form a trine with optimistic Jupiter. Your relationships will also experience a deepening of honesty and compassion when Venus forms connection with Pluto.


Your relationships will experience lots of sensitivity and compassion this week, but you could also experience revelations that change the way you see your situation. Acknowledge your feelings but save judgments for later. Your ego and sense of self may feel threatened, but these challenges will push you towards maturity. Don't waste opportunities for growth. By the end of the week, you'll feel a deeper connection to yourself than you did before.


You'll feel hopeful and enchanted by your social life this week, but don't get carried away by how everything may seem. Commitments count once the magic has dissipated. Your intuition may reveal unpleasant things about your journey right now, but take these feelings in stride. Make a wise, pragmatic move, even if you feel like doing something drastic. Instead of exerting force on the world, allow yourself to be changed from within. Your spirit is absorbing power.


Your career is full of creativity and imagination this week, bringing your work all sorts of attention. However, not all this attention may be positive, so remain mindful of grandiose promises. Your social life will be tested, so choose to focus on people who bring you up rather than pull you down. You're learning how to navigate social terrain while honoring your boundaries and being true to yourself. Don't lose yourself in a group effort that you don't vibe with.


You're seeing all the magical possibilities that life has to offer, making adventure and spontaneity all the more intriguing. However, take care not to commit to a wild endeavor without double-checking all the fine print. Your career will experience challenges and obstacles this week, but it's up to you to overcome them by working hard and holding it together. Through strife, you'll gain a deeper perspective that will open your mind and expand your level of success.


Your relationships are being deepened with intimacy, compassion, and understanding. However, take care not to let feelings of infatuation become obsession, especially if your judgment is being clouded. You're embarking on a journey that is full of twists and turns, but even the darker parts are there for you to glean wisdom. Enjoy the ride and let yourself be changed. Try not to take a path that feels easy just to avoid feelings of discomfort. Search for new experiences.


You're feeling especially connected to your partnerships this week. Let kindness and creativity deepen your loyalty. Make sure you're not seeing only what you want to see, however. Remain mindful of the facts. You're coming towards the end of a chapter and you'll likely feel conflicted about it, possibly even unwilling to let go. Understand that letting go doesn't mean being left with nothing. It's an exchange for something that will be better for you in the long run.


You're feeling very passionately tied to your work this week, which will gift you with an imaginative and wholesome perspective as you accomplish your tasks. However, make sure this doesn't cause you to be forgetful or flighty. Don't be discouraged when things don't go as planned. Your relationships may be put to the test, and it will be up to you to navigate conflict. Choose empathy, patience, and self-respect above all. Getting through these issues will only strengthen your bond.


You're bursting at the seems with creative expression, so go all out when it comes to infusing your life with more color, fun, and poetry. However, remember, not all that glitters is gold, so stay grounded and don't give up when the high wears off. Your routine will experience bumps in the road, but it's all meant to help you work your muscles and expand your skill set. You'll be happy that you stayed with a project, even when doubt threatened to dismiss all your progress.


You're feeling very emotionally attached and sensitive towards your home life this week, which can bring you closer to your roots. However, don't dismiss issues that linger beneath the cozy facade. You may feel negative about your creative endeavors or uninspired by your life, but try to take your ego out of it. Instead of focusing on the outcome, focus on the process. You'll find the answers as you combat resistance and express yourself even when you're afraid to.


You're feeling intellectual and connected to brilliant ideas this week, which will make for stimulating and compassionate conversations. However, be mindful of how you communicate and don't write checks your mouth can't cash. You may feel that your home life is being threatened or challenged, but instead of acting out of fear, act out of love. Take action in a way that does not alienate others or prevent yourself from being helped. Issues are coming to light so that you can work through them.


You'll feel inspired by financial opportunities and intrigued by the glamour that comes with obtaining material success. Use this energy to enrich your world but be mindful of the price tag it comes with. This can push you towards a solid financial state, so make wise choices. You may feel like your intellect is being challenged and that you must prove your smarts. However, don't let an obstacle take away any confidence in your intelligence. Instead, let it expand your mind even more.


You're feeling infatuated with yourself and your romantic energy is attractive to all who encounter it. Don't let this become arrogance and don't let energy vampires take advantage of you. You're growing into a studier, more reliable version of yourself. You may feel insecure about your financial state, as though you're standing on unstable ground. Trust that any doubts will clear up and that your relationship with money will grow and reach a conclusion.