Your August Horoscope Is Here & It's About Being True To Your Heart's Desires
How are we in August already? OK, now I really don't want to sound like a Debbie Downer, but 2018 has not been an easy one, my friends. Although, lucky for you, your August 2018 horoscope is here and things are looking sweet, my fellow stargazers. For starters, it's Leo season, so if you've been hesitant about putting yourself out there, say no more, the time is now. You are capable of so many things, it's just a matter of putting your ego aside and your best foot forward. Why not? You never know until you try.
Charming Venus enters Libra on Aug. 6, putting our relationships under a rose-colored magnifying glass. Venus is Libra's planetary ruler, so let's just say, the Venusian vibes will be overflowing. Venus in Libra swoons over partnerships, negotiations, and all relationships in general, which is why we, as a collective, will be more inclined to harmony. In diplomatic Libra, the goddess of love is artistic, flirtatious, and co-dependent. Sure, creating a harmonious atmosphere is a must, but make sure you don't get so carried away focusing on the positive that you completely disregard what's right in front of you. Libra is notorious for avoiding confrontation.
Uranus Retrograde
Uranus, planet of chaos and unexpected change, goes retrograde in Taurus on Aug. 7. Warning: This energy can be a little testy, especially since Taurus is a symbol of our values, income, and practical resources. However, on a brighter note, Uranus Retrograde can help us process things differently, in order to really follow through with our personal revolution.
New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse
There will be a new moon solar eclipse in the sign of Leo on Aug. 11. FYI: The final Leo-Aquarius eclipse will take place on Jan. 21, 2019. This will be the conclusion of a two and a half year cycle. Nonetheless, this solar eclipse will be one for the books, as it will conjunct Mercury retrograde, and make challenging aspects to Jupiter and Pluto.
Sun Enters Virgo
On Aug. 23, the sun will switch signs and enter Virgo. During Virgo season, the tiny, insignificant details you once thought were completely useless suddenly become top of mind. Believe it or not, this is a great time to get organized.
Now, before I get into your individual horoscopes, here's what else we've got going on this month:
- Aug. 12: Mars retrograde enters Capricorn
- Aug. 19: Mercury goes direct
- Aug. 26: Full moon in Pisces
- Aug. 27: Mars goes direct
Mercury and Mars go direct this month. Woohoo! Best news ever.
That being said, here's your August 2018 horoscope. (Make sure to check your rising sign, too. To find out your rising sign you will need your exact birth time. Once you have your birth time, you can find out here.)
Single? Gorgeous Venus enters your partnership zone this month, bringing charming connections, and harmony to your current relationships. It doesn't end there. The solar eclipse on Aug. 11, lights up your flirtatious fifth house of passion and creativity. Bow chicka wow wow, this is smoking hot.
However, make sure you get your ducks in a row, Aries. With the sun sliding through your sixth house of health and responsibility on Aug. 23, you're bound to start stressing over your busy schedule. Not to worry, your ruling planet Mars goes direct right after the full moon on Aug. 27. This is everything you've been waiting for, I promise you.
On Aug. 6, your ruling planet Venus enters your tedious sixth house of health and day-to-day routine. Lots of work? Not to worry; the goddess of love is on your side. On another note, Uranus goes retrograde in your sign the following day, pushing you closer toward your personal revolution. Trust me, I know you're comfortable where you are, but how else do you expect to grow?
The solar eclipse on Aug. 11 energizes your domestic fourth house and emotional foundation. Are you planning on moving? Let's just say, there are new beginnings in the horizon. Good news: It's show time! The sun lights up your sassy fifth house of love on Aug. 23. Trust me, you will feel this shift... and so will your swagger.
So, the month kicks off with your ruling planet in retrograde; however, Venus, planet of love and beauty, switches signs and enters your fifth house passion, love, and creativity on Aug. 6. Crushing on someone? Got a new project in the works? The vibes are fab, and you're glowing, Gemini.
The solar eclipse on Aug. 11 shakes up your chatty third house of siblings and close network. This could spark some nervous energy, so don't over do it. Although, guess what? Your ruling planet turns direct on Aug. 13. Yes, finally! Last but not least, on Aug. 23, the sun lights up the area of your chart related to home and family. Feeling domestic? This energy is cozy.
Home sweet home. The month starts off with the goddess of love in your domestic fourth house of family, and emotional foundation. In the mood to redecorate? Say no more, and let Venus be your muse. The new moon solar eclipse on Aug. 11 shakes up your second house of values and self worth. Pat yourself on the back, Cancer. You earned it.
The following day, Mars Retrograde makes its way back into your partnership zone. This could spark some unnecessary banter with your boo thang, so take it easy. On Aug. 23, the sun switches signs and lights up your inquisitive third house. Whether you're texting, tweeting, or simply having small talk with your neighbor, just know you'll be in the mood to socialize.
Happy birthday, Leo! Are you ready for a fresh start? The new moon solar eclipse on Aug. 11 will shake up your current appearance, mindset, and unique perspective. New beginnings are ahead, and from the looks of it, you're beyond ready for change. The planet of love brings harmony to your curious third house of siblings and communication. This can be real charming.
Good news: Mercury goes direct in your sign on Aug. 19. Woohoo! No more ego trips and unnecessary drama. Also, the sun leaves your sign and enters Virgo on Aug. 23. This will energize your money zone, putting your values and self worth in the spotlight. Aren't you proud of how far you've come? You should be.
You're birthday's coming up, Virgo. I know, I know, your ruling planet is still retrograde, but not for long! Venus, planet of love and beauty, enters your second house of values and self-worth on Aug. 6. Let's just say, you're feeling yourself, and with good reason! The solar eclipse on Aug. 11 brings new beginnings to the area of your chart related to healing and spirituality.
Right after Mercury goes direct on Aug. 19, the sun leaves Leo and enters your sign on Aug. 23. Happy birthday! The spotlight is on you, and no more Mercury retrograde. The full moon on Aug. 26 will light up your relationship zone, sparking a spiritual culmination among your peers and partnerships. Cheers to that.
So sultry! Your ruling planet Venus enters your sign on Aug. 6. So, if you thought you were charming, just wait til' the goddess of love really works her magic. The solar eclipse on Aug. 11 brings new beginnings to your friendship zone and tribe. No new friends? On the contrary, I think you're just about ready to move on.
The following day, Mars retrograde makes its way back into your domestic fourth house of family and emotional foundation. This energy can feel a bit restless, so take it easy. On Aug. 23, the sun enters your mystical 12th house of spiritual realms. Yoga? Meditation? Embrace your solitude, and take care of you.
You're one of the most mysterious signs in the zodiac, and with Venus gliding through your secretive 12th house of spiritual depth this month, it's time to really harness your karmic powers. The solar eclipse on Aug. 11 brings new beginning to your career zone and professional life. Are you content with your current profession? Seems like there's something missing, right? Listen to your spidey senses, Scorpio.
The sun switches signs on Aug. 23, and lights up your networking zone of groups and friendships. Are you ready to get out there and mingle? Your traditional ruler Mars goes direct on Aug. 27, so you'll have just the right amount of energy.
Venus, planet of love, glides into your networking zone on Aug. 6, bringing you stellar connections, and charming vibes. That's not all. The new moon solar eclipse on Aug. 11 shakes up your philosophical ninth house of expansion, and long distance travel. Are you ready to start again? It's time to expand your horizons, Sag.
Mercury goes direct in your partnerships zone on Aug. 19. Ready to move on from that toxic ex? No more bickering, the messenger planet is on your side. On Aug. 23, the sun switches signs and lights up the area of your chart related to your career, and destiny in the world. So, whether you're taking on a new certification, or simply exploring opportunities, the time is now. You've got this.
It's been a minute, Capricorn. With Pluto and Saturn Retrograde in your sign, the cosmos know it hasn't been a walk in the park for you. Lucky for you, the goddess of love switches signs on Aug. 6, bringing harmony to your career zone. We all know how much you love success, and well, don't lose focus climbing up that mountain. You're on your way.
The solar eclipse on Aug. 11 brings new beginnings to your sexy eighth house of sex and intimacy. Are you holding onto buried toxic emotions? Surrender to the universe, and let it all go. On Aug. 23, the sun enters your nomadic ninth house of expansion. Pack your bags, 'cause you're ready for a much-needed vacay. Mars goes direct in your sign on Aug. 27, so prepare for energy overload.
The month kicks off with charming Venus in your philosophical ninth house of learning, expansion, and long-distance travel. Do you have a foreign pen pal? Who knows, maybe you decide to take on a new course at the community college. Let Venus be your guide. Your ruling planet Uranus goes retrograde on Aug. 7, sparking unexpected change in your domestic fourth house of home, and emotional foundation. Let it be, don't resist it.
The solar eclipse on Aug. 11 brings new beginnings to your relationship zone, and area of partnerships. Are you ready to seal the deal, Aquarius? It's sexy time! The sun enters your sultry eighth house shortly after, putting your intimate relationships in the spotlight. This is an exciting month, to say the least.
Va va voom! Venus, planet of love and beauty, glides into your seductive eighth house of sex, adding charm to your intimate relationships on Aug. 6. This house is also related to debt and other peoples money, so don't be surprised if you receive a sweet treat from the cosmos. The solar eclipse on Aug. 11 shakes up your healthy sixth house of responsibility, and day-to-day routine. You and I both know you're ready for a change, Pisces. So, up and onward.
The sun lights up your relationship zone on Aug. 23, putting your current relationships in the spotlight. Remember, sharing is caring. Now, the full moon in your sign on Aug. 26, can feel a bit extra, but it will also bring you much-needed closure. Don't worry about the noise, and put your emotions first. Your intuition will be on point during this time, so pay attention.