Your August Horoscope Is About Taking Action & Necessary Risks
With one of the most turbulent eclipse seasons finally coming to an end, there's no denying change has arrived. Let's face it, you're not the same person you were last month — not even close. Whether it be personally or professionally, your August 2019 horoscope is about stepping into your potential and taking the necessary risks at hand. Although, who am I kidding? Unapologetically owning your vulnerabilities, let alone finding the will to take action anyway, is pretty damn terrifying. However, now that you've built character and emotional endurance during Cancer season, it's time to bask in the glory of your strengths all throughout Leo season.
August will kick off full speed ahead, given the supercharged new moon in Leo that took place on July 31. With a challenging square to electric Uranus, this lunation is asking you to find the necessary courage to take action, fearlessly and unapologetically. Although, Uranus is the planet of revolution and sporadic change, so expect the unexpected. Both Taurus and Leo are fixed signs, which means they're both headstrong and set in their ways, so make sure to follow your intuition during this time. Again, change will be a prominent theme this month, so don't get too comfortable.
Aug. 11 will be swirling with celestial fuel. After four months retrograde, Jupiter, planet of abundance, expansion, higher learning, and opportunity, will finally station direct in global Sagittarius. Think back to April of this year, and reflect on the following: What's changed in regard to your personal philosophy? What did you learn about yourself? Did you take any risks worth taking? This will feel like a powerful surge of optimism... but it doesn't end there. That same day, Mercury the messenger will reenter the sign of Leo, just hours before electric Uranus stations retrograde. Like I said, August will be action-packed, so stay tuned.
With that said, here's what August has in store for you, according to your zodiac sign:
Aries: You're Starting To Feel Like Yourself Again
You're not alone, Aries. July was a challenging month — to say the very least — but you made it through. You typically thrive during Leo season because you're in your natural element, but with Chiron (the wounded healer) retrograde via your sign, let alone making contact with the sun, Venus, and Mars, you could feel as though you're struggling in your relationships, or perhaps with your levels of assertion early in the month. Although, in reality, you are simply in the process of healing.
On Aug. 9, there will be a gorgeous fire trine between the sun, Venus and expansive Jupiter. Looking for "the one"? Single rams could find love while traveling, or perhaps a muse of inspiration for a passion project. The full moon in Aquarius on Aug. 15 will ignite your humanitarian-like 11th house of teams, tribes, and extended network. Think back to the new moon in Aquarius on Feb. 4 and reflect on the following: Who have you been associating yourself with since? Do they measure up to your self-worth?
Taurus: Your Inner World Is Being Challenged
Take a deep breath, Taurus. With the sun, Venus, and Mars conjugating via your domestic fourth house of home, family, and your inner foundation, chances are you'll be undergoing a lot of emotional reflection during this time. Although, given that you and Leo are both fixed signs, this energy can be quite challenging to endure, especially with rebellious Uranus hovering over your sign. So, despite how much you love your comfort zone, the rebel planet is in the midst of completely revolutionizing you from the inside out.
Uranus is basically liberating you from all that's been keeping you from living your best life, so do yourself a favor and surrender. The full moon in Aquarius on Aug. 15 will activate your large-and-in-charge 10th house of career, public persona, and authority figures. What were you up to during the new moon in Aquarius on Feb. 4? Is your professional life emotionally fulfilling? How has your sense of authority evolved since? This lunation will most certainly activate your sign because Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, and Uranus is currently traveling through your territory.
Gemini: You're Summer's Best Gossip Columnist
You've always had the gift of gab, Gemini. This, of course, is especially true during Leo season because with the sun, Venus, and Mars frolicking through your chatty third house of rulership for the majority of the month, you'll likely feel as assertive as ever. This area of your chart has everything to do with communication and plans, so it's possible you'll be busier than usual, too. Jupiter will also station direct in Sagittarius, and your seventh house of interpersonal connections, on Aug. 11. Looking for the right connections? This is an excellent time for partnerships and negotiations.
Though, with Uranus stationing retrograde via your karmic 12th house of secrets and all things behind the scenes, make sure to pay attention to your dreams and intuition during this time. Uranus Rx is here to liberate you from the things weighing on your subconscious, so make sure to keep an open mind. The full moon in Aquarius on Aug. 15 will activate your expansive ninth house of travel, education, and personal philosophy. Thinking back to the new moon in Aquarius on Feb. 4, what kind of risks have you taken since? Have your beliefs and faith been tested?
Cancer: You've Got Your Mind On Your Money
You better work, Cancer. The sun, go-getter Mars, and charming Venus are all hovering over your comfort-seeking second house of finances and self-worth for the majority of the month, and you're on top of your financial game like never before. Although, make sure you don't over-indulge on the online shopping, because Venus is pretty ruthless about her desires... especially when traveling through this area of your chart! What's different about your day-to-day routine? Prosperous Jupiter stations direct via your orderly sixth house of due diligence on Aug. 11, and you'll likely be seeing the fruits of your hard labor during this time.
Also, with electric Uranus stationing retrograde in Taurus, and your 11th house of friendships and extended network, it's time you start associating yourself with like-minded individuals. This is nothing for you to worry about, Cancer. Your social circle is simply undergoing a revolution, so make sure to keep an open mind. The full moon in Aquarius on Aug. 15 will ignite your eighth house of sex, power, and shared resources. What have you been investing your time and energy on since the new moon in Aquarius on Feb. 4? Have you signed any important paperwork since?
Leo: Cheers To Another Trip Around The Sun
Shine bright like a diamond, Leo. It's officially your birthday season and you're glimmering with pride. Also, with the sun, Mars, and dazzling Venus traveling through your sign for the majority of the month, you'll be feeling as energized as ever. In the mood to hog the spotlight, as per usual? This is an excellent time to make an impression, whether it be on your peers or authority figures. On Aug. 11, lucky Jupiter goes direct via your expressive fifth house of love, creativity, and joy. Looking for "the one"? Great, because this is also an excellent time for romance and creative inspiration. So feel free to tap into your muse during this time.
That same day, rebellious Uranus stations retrograde via your ambitious 10th house of career and authority figures, so make sure you at least try to play by the rules. Uranus loathes authority so you might feel the need to rebel during this retrograde cycle. Though, besides that, you might also decide to take a different route in your professional life. Expect the unexpected, Leo. On Aug. 15, the full moon in Aquarius will activate your seventh house of partnerships and interpersonal connections. What were you up to during the new moon in Aquarius on Feb. 4? How have your committed partnerships evolved since? What's changed in regard to your general relatability?
Virgo: You're Keeping To Yourself More
It's OK to take a break, Virgo. With the sun, Mars, and charming Venus hiding out via your secretive 12th house of dreams, closure, and all things behind the scenes, you'll likely remain incognito this month. Although, with hot-headed Mars blowing off steam via this area of your chart, too, you'll be channeling the majority of your energy into private matters. Meanwhile, with irresistible Venus sitting alongside Mars, you'll have no trouble expressing your affections behind closed doors. This is an excellent time to embrace your solitude. Lots of sleep is also suggested.
Lucky Jupiter stations direct via your domestic fourth house of home and family on Aug. 11, and this will gift you with a sense of inner security. That same day, electric Uranus will station retrograde via your expansive ninth house of education and opportunity, and this transit will inevitably revolutionize your perspective and personal philosophy. Speaking of revolution, there will be a full moon in Aquarius on Aug. 15 and this will ignite your orderly sixth house of health and day-to-day routine. What's changed about your routine since the new moon in Aquarius on Feb. 4? Are your mental, physical, and spiritual health up to par?
Libra: You're Mingling And Socializing
Expand your network, Libra. The sun, Mars, and Venus are conjugating via your humanitarian-like 11th house of friendships, teams, tribes, and sense of belonging for the majority of the month, and you're thriving in group settings. What are your hopes, wishes, and dreams like? With loquacious Venus in the mix, you'll likely be making harmonious connections with like-minded individuals during this time. On Aug. 11, lucky Jupiter goes direct via your chatty third house of communication and immediate network, and this is an excellent time to learn something new. This area of your chart also rules transportation, so you might even decide to purchase a new car!
That same day, spontaneous Uranus stations retrograde via your eighth house of sex, power, and intimate unions. This transit is here to liberate you from power struggles and perhaps even revolutionize your sex life. You might also see a sudden shift in regard to your financial security. This might even have something to do with your partner, considering wound healer Chiron's recent shift into Aries and your relationship sector. On Aug. 15, the full moon in Aquarius will activate your expressive fifth house of love, joy, and passion. If you think back to the new moon in Aquarius that took place on Feb. 4, what's evolved in regard to your passions? What about your love life?
Scorpio: You're Unapologetically Owning The Spotlight
Don't be afraid to take charge, Scorpio. The sun, Mars and Venus are hovering over your ambitious 10th house of career, public persona, and legacy in the world for the majority of the month, and you're taking the workplace by a storm. Also, with irresistible Venus in the mix, you'll likely be dazzling your authority figures in the process. Hard work definitely pays off, and with Jupiter stationing direct via your comfort-seeking second house of money and self-worth on Aug. 11, you might also catch a glimpse of the financial perks first-hand. However, it's very important you recognize your worth in the meantime.
Electric Uranus stations retrograde that same day via your seventh house of partnerships. What's changed about your relationships since April? The rebel planet is here to liberate you from everything that's been keeping you stagnant, especially in regard to your one-on-one partnerships. On Aug. 15, the full moon in Aquarius will activate your domestic fourth house of home, family, and inner security. There was a new moon in Aquarius on Feb. 4; how has your sense of security evolved since? What makes you unique compared to the rest of the world?
Sagittarius: You're Expanding Your Horizons
It's time to take a much-needed risk, Sagittarius! With the sun, Mars, and Venus traveling through your expansive ninth house of education, travel, opportunity, and higher learning, you're likely feeling as restless as ever. Although, let's face it, when are you not hungry for adventure and new experiences? With go-getter Mars taking the wheel, you'll be buzzing with energy, not to mention a smoldering desire for new experiences. Want to know the best part? Your ruling planet Jupiter stations direct on Aug. 11, and let's just say, you'll be back to feeling like yourself again. What opportunities have you acquired since April? Have you traveled anywhere exciting?
That same day, rebellious Uranus will station retrograde via your orderly sixth house of health and due diligence, and this transit will likely throw a curveball your way in regard to your day-to-day routine. Although, beyond Uranus' rebellious nature, this heavenly body is here to liberate you from whatever's been limiting you from living your soul's truth. On Aug. 15, the full moon in Aquarius will activate your mentally stimulating third house of communication. Thinking back to the new moon in Aquarius on Feb. 4, reflect on the following: How has your communication style evolved since? What about your social media presence?
Capricorn: You're Undergoing Intense Transformation
Same story, different day, Capricorn? With the sun, Mars, and Venus traveling through your inhibited eighth house of sex, power, transformation, and shared resources, all things related to your intimate unions will be top of your mind during this time. Whether it's a joint venture or a sexual relationship, you'll likely be focusing on your next move. Speaking of inhibitions, lucky Jupiter will station direct via your secretive 12th house of karma and all things behind the scenes on Aug. 11, and you'll probably be feeling more connected to your subconscious mind.
That same day, rebellious Uranus will station retrograde via your expressive fifth house of romance, creativity, and passion. This will likely awaken your inner rebel in regard to the things that bring you joy, along with your personal eccentricities. So don't hesitate to set your spirit free, Capricorn. On Aug. 15, the full moon in Aquarius will activate your second house of finances, possessions, and self-worth. Do you remember what was going through your mind during the new moon in Aquarius on Feb. 4? How have you been making a living since? Are you getting the financial recognition you deserve?
Aquarius: You Get What You Give
People need you more than you think, Aquarius. With the sun, Mars, and Venus hovering over your committed seventh house of partnerships and interpersonal connections for the majority of the month, you'll be extra focused on your one-on-one relationships. Although, with hot-headed Mars in the mix, make sure you don't let your ego get the best of you. Luckily for you, Venus' harmonious charms will help you soothe the tension — if there is any — and help you express your affections. On Aug. 11, prosperous Jupiter will station direct via your 11th house of teams, tribes, and friendship groups. This will likely remind you of the benefits of networking and stepping outside your comfort zone, so don't hesitate to do so.
That same day, your rebellious ruling planet Uranus stations retrograde via your domestic fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundation. This could feel somewhat erratic in regard to your sense of security, but it's time for you to take action nonetheless. In fact, the full moon in your sign on Aug. 15 only proves change is here. In the meantime, take a minute to reflect on the new moon in your sign that took place on Feb. 4. How has your sense of self evolved since? Do you feel your spirit wandering freely or trapped due to different circumstances?
Pisces: You're Experiencing Joy Your In Your Routine
When you love what you do, it shows. Right, Pisces? With the sun, Mars, and Venus activating your health-conscious sixth house of order, routine, and due diligence, you'll be highly focused on your mental, physical, and spiritual health during this time. Although, thanks to charming Venus, you could also be have more fun than usual in the workplace. Looking for motivation to get your exercise on? Go-getter Mars is here to provide you with enough energy to make the most of your day. On another note, your traditional ruler Jupiter stations direct via your ambitious tenth house of career on Aug. 11, and you will likely be reminded of your sacred life mission during this time.
That same day, electric Uranus stations retrograde via your chatty third house of communication and immediate environment, and you might suddenly decide to experiment with something related to technology. Whether it be a new project via social media or an unusual field of study, you'll be ready for an exciting change. On Aug. 15, the full moon in Aquarius will activate your 12th house of secrets, karma, and subconscious mind. Take a second to remember how you were feeling during the new moon in Aquarius on Feb. 4. How has your behind-the-scenes routine evolved since? Have you been working on a secret project of sorts?