Your Cancer Season Horoscope Is Here & There's No Place Like Home
Days go by, seasons change, and the planets continue pirouetting through the zodiac. There's never a dull moment in the universe, and with Gemini's mutable air, you've learned how to exploit your resources and immediate surroundings. This isn't necessarily the case for your Cancer season 2019 horoscope, as they are two completely different celestial entities. Gemini is ruled by curious Mercury, a symbol of thought process and cognitive functioning. During Gemini season, everyone was gifted with mentally-stimulating exchanges and new ways of thinking. But with moon-ruled Cancer, the cosmos are asking you all for something much deeper than small talk.
If Gemini season taught you how to bicker, brainstorm, and communicate, Cancer season wants you to use your words and mental agility to make your needs a priority. Cancer is ruled by the ever-changing moon — a symbol of your inner world — so it's important to prioritize what brings you comfort during this time. Home is where the heart is, and Cancer season holds the key to your inner sanctuary. What makes you feel safe? Are you catering to your emotional needs? Though it sounds bleak, you can't depend on your parents forever, and Cancer season is about awakening the nurturer already living within you.
Here's what Cancer season has in store, according to your zodiac sign:
Aries: It's Nesting Season
Your family and loved ones will be priority during this time. And while you might be a bit moodier than usual, it doesn't hurt to embrace your innermost feelings every now and then. Take care of you, Aries.
Taurus: Express Your Emotions
Say what's on your mind, Taurus. I know you're not a fan of airing out your dirty laundry, but you can't repress your feelings forever, either. Talk about it. Write about it. Tell your immediate crew about it. Ask and you shall receive, Taurus.
Gemini: Honor Your Heirlooms
You're not big on feelings, but that doesn't mean you don't have an affinity for nostalgic hand-me-downs and memorable family heirlooms. Double check your storage bins, Gemini. There might be something you saved for a rainy day.
Cancer: Celebrate Your Magic
It's your solar revolution from the heavens, Cancer. It's all eyes on you, and your moon-shaped eyes are twinkling with utter joy. Honor your emotions and be gentle with yourself, today and every day.
Leo: You're On A Personal Hiatus
Good for you, Leo. You're taking a break from the spotlight and getting some much-needed rest. Think of it this way: This is a time for you to recharge your batteries and sit with your feels before you're reborn again on your birthday.
Virgo: The Mom Friend
Girls night out, Virgo? You're the epitome of a loyal friend, and a snazzy get-together with your crew is long overdue. So grab your Members Only jacket, and send out some heart-warming e-vites. Your friends miss you.
Libra: Girl Power Vibes
Working hard, or hardly working, Libra? You might be the sign of the scales, but you've still got a thing or two to learn about balance. You either gather your woman power and go fight for that promotion, or you take a much-needed catnap.
Scorpio: You Feel It Coming
Don't misinterpret what I'm saying, Scorpio. I'm simply referring to all the amazing things coming your way. Admit it: You can almost taste the possibilities. So much so, that it's all making you emotional — this is progress, my friend.
Sagittarius: You're Craving Depth
Well it's about time, Sagittarius You can't play the friends-with-benefits card forever, you know. Besides, there's nothing wrong with making love and craving someone's touch. There's a time and place for everything, and this is your moment of surrender.
Capricorn: You're Catering To Others
Sharing is caring, right, Capricorn? Granted, Cancer is your polar opposite, but that doesn't mean you don't know how to maneuver this energy. You have the key to both areas of your astrological axis, so feel free to scoop up your main squeeze on the way to the moon.
Aquarius: You're Feeling Moody
Cheer up, Aquarius. I know the idea of having emotions makes you cringe, but it's not the end of the world. In fact, this area of your chart governs everything in your day to day, so why not invest these "looney" emotions into your work routine?
Pisces: You're Making Babies
Relax, Pisces. Babies don't have to be actual babies, you know. That is, if you're not looking to conceive, of course. Instead, take this intuitive energy and channel it into your creative projects. Romance is likely during this time, too.