Your March Horoscope Dares You To Be Bold
There's typically an underlying sense of restlessness whenever March rolls around. I think it's the anticipation of kicking off the spring season along with the essence of dreamy Pisces and its infinite connectivity to spirit. Your March 2020 horoscope brings forth a powerful message, as it has everything to do with having enough courage to be an individual. For instance, the sun is Pisces instills the importance in having faith in something much greater than you can imagine. Aside from learning to have compassion for yourself, this mutable water season is a reminder of the power in acknowledgment, kindness, and universal love.
Once the spring equinox arrives on March 19, however, the sun will officially enter Mars-ruled Aries, which is a symbol of brand-new life. This is a time of new beginnings and blooming growth; Aries' cardinal fires awaken the seeds divine creation, both within you and all around you. However, in order to fully embrace the season's sacred fertility, it is imperative that you choose love. This is precisely what Pisces season is all about. Trusting in the potential of your limitless being and fully submitting to the light of the soul. You are here for a reason, and don't you forget it.
Aries: Your Relationships And Values Are Being Tested
It's almost time for your birthday, Aries. Although, before you can embark on another blessed journey around the sun, it's important to stop and really soak it all in. It's important for you to set the necessary boundaries — especially within your relationships — and really reflect on the sacrifices you've been making as of late. Are they worth it? Are you being valued in return?
You have a lot to look forward to once the sun enters your sign, so make sure you cross your t's and dot your i's. If something no longer aligns with your future, it's time to move on.
Taurus: You Feel Like You're On Top Of The World
Life is but a dream, Taurus. You're collaborating with eclectic groups of individuals and in the midst of revisiting your long-term goals, wishes, and dreams this month. Your delicious planetary ruler, Venus, will also meet with electric Uranus in your sign on March 8, so expect the unexpected, especially in terms of your relationships and values.
Powerful epiphanies are also likely this month, so make sure you keep a notepad handy, even if it's digitally. Where there is self-love, there is creativity and romance. Indulge in the pleasures of life.
Gemini: You're Busy Chasing Your Dreams
Things start to make more sense this month, Gemini. Aside from your planetary ruler finally going direct, you will also feel energized and revitalized, especially in terms of your career and professional life.
Although, before you take a leap of faith and join forces with your soul tribe in the spring, there are a few things you need to take care of first. Themes related to your sense of security will be in the back of your mind this month. Reflect on whether you've been owning up to your self-worth. If you've been investing your energy on something toxic, choose yourself. Your surroundings are a reflection of your spirit, so protect your space. You are sacred.
Cancer: You're Rewriting And Reflecting On Your Goals
You're back in your element this month, Cancer. Although, you could be feeling as though you've been given a number of responsibilities as of late, some of which feel like a big weight on your shoulders. If this resonates with you, take a moment to ask yourself whether you're taking charge of the situation at hand. From the looks of it, though, this will more than likely revolve around your professional life and sense of authority.
More importantly, however, this a time for you to reflect on the amount of confidence you feel in your heart, both in your personal and professional life. The only thing standing in the way of your success is you.
Leo: You're Confronting The Karmic Parts Of Your Partnerships
You get what you give, Leo. Although, if that's true then why do you feel as though you're getting the shorter end of the stick? Relationships are not easy, especially those capable of awakening your inner demons. It's time you stop and reflect on your intimate exchanges and finally make amends with your shadow. You're either not being cherished nor valued for the effort you put into the relationship, or you're simply in denial about your apathy. Sounds harsh, I know, but communicating your truth is just as important as being present for someone doing the same.
Virgo: You're Looking For Closure Within Your Relationships
You're submitting to your desire for freedom, Virgo. There's a part of you that wants to be acknowledged and another part of you looking to break free from previous relationship patterns. The full moon in your sign this month brings forth an enormous amount of clarity, especially in regard to to your one-on-one partnerships. The person you are in the relationship and the person you once were before it all started.
Moreover, your desire for freedom will certainly heighten during this time, so don't be afraid to indulge in your happiness.
Libra: You're Cleansing And Clearing, Personally And Romantically
Being mindful of the way your body reacts to different energies is a form of self-love, Libra. Honoring your sacred space is an essential part of your personal growth, but it isn't always the easiest task. Naturally, your ability to stay grounded within yourself will reflect onto your relationships, which is precisely what's happening to you this month. You're typically known for being a people pleaser, but not this time and you should be proud.
The full moon will provide you the energy and closure to move forward. Listen to your intuition.
Scorpio: You're Finding Comfort In Yourself And In Your Unions
Your smoldering passions tend to get in the way of your desire for romance, but it's important to recognize the difference between the two. Being sexually desired versus genuinely cared for is something you will likely reflect on this month. Although, there are still a few things you need to revisit in terms of your emotional well-being. Believe it or not, your childhood wounds and general sense of security are what set the foundation for a healthy and solid partnership. What does love mean to you? What brings you joy? This ultimately plays a role in your general sense of belonging, too, which will be highlighted during this month's full moon. Pay attention.
Sagittarius: You're Letting Your Emotions Flow Through You
You're a big fan of wandering and venturing into unknown territory, but this month's going to be a bit different. Instead of looking outside of yourself, in hopes of taming your inner restlessness, it's time you go inward and acknowledge the colorful layers of emotion you purposely camouflage on a regular basis. Whether it be with a family member or your general sense of security, this month is for washing it all away. Cleansing and clearing is inevitable throughout Pisces season, but beyond the spirituality of it all, you're going to finally notice a difference in your health and general mindset. Do the work; it'll be worth it.
Capricorn: You're Ready To Move Forward And Risk It All
Looking on the bright side isn't necessarily your forte, Capricorn. Although, you'll certainly feel as though a weight's been lifted this month, so why not celebrate it? Wouldn't unnecessary dwelling be more difficult? Spontaneous romances, creative opportunities, and shocking amounts of joy are incredibly likely this month, but before you tune into your pragmatism, I'm here to remind you that it's OK to dream. You've been working so hard these past few years, and everything you've sacrificed is about to be returned to you. The elation isn't a phase; it's your soul liberating itself. Honor this moment.
Aquarius: You're Learning To Have More Compassion
When was the last time you felt a little empathy, Aquarius? You may or may not thrive in the emotional sphere, but if you look at this from a logical standpoint, you'll notice how emotional you can be when it's something revolving around your time, energy, and space.
Your comfort, along with the things you find pleasurable or attractive, will also be top of mind this month, and I'm sure you're wondering why. In the meantime, reflect on the following: How many sacrifices have you made as of late? How many were actually worth it? Being gentle and compassionate with yourself doesn't make you less of a leader.
Pisces: You're Absorbing The Universal Undercurrents
Your aura is a kaleidoscope of color and it shows, Pisces. Seeing the world through rose-colored glasses is both a blessing and curse; one you're very familiar with and yet somehow continue to struggle with. I know you've got the whole world on your shoulders, but if you don't love yourself, then who will? You're a multidimensional being, which is something to be incredibly proud of.
However, surrendering to the universe and not continuously holding yourself responsible is the key to your soul's breakthrough. Feel all the feels, but step into your power while you're at it. You were born for this.
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