
Your May 20, 2019 Weekly Horoscope Is Here & Gemini Season Is Opening Your Mind

by Roya Backlund

Are you ready to shake things up around here? It's time to let curiosity lead the way, because as of May. 21, the sun enters Gemini and inspires you to socialize, fraternize, and hypothesize. You may think you know who you are. You might even think you know what you want. However, all of that is subject to change during Gemini season. This is the sign of duality we're talking about, and when Gemini is infiltrating the cosmos, you're meant to embrace the many sides of your personality. Why not let your May 20, 2019 weekly horoscope show you a whole new version of yourself?

This next zodiac season does not waste any time, as Mercury — planet of communication and information — will join forces with the sun in Gemini just a few hours later. Since Mercury is Gemini's ruling planet, it's clear you're not simply dipping your toes into the next phase of the astrological cycle. You're jumping right into the deep end. Expect your limited perspectives to expand, helping you see both sides of a situation. Your mind will be connecting the dots at lightning speed, so this is a beautiful time to engage in intellectual exchange, brainstorming, and learning. You'll want to know everything about everything.

The excitement doesn't stop there either, because on May 22, Mars — planet of power and drive — will form an energizing sextile with Uranus — planet of freedom and all things avante garde. This will push you to try something different and revel in the unexpected. If you're stuck in a rut, this energy is excellent for overcoming even the most complicated challenges. Why not take the world for a spin?

The week ends with a last quarter moon in spiritual, sensitive, and creative Pisces on May 26. It will form a square with the sun and Mercury, which can create stress and make it difficult to see your feelings clearly, so breathe through any thoughts that may seem irrational. Because it forms a trine with Mars and eventually, a sextile with friendly Venus, you will be able to talk through your emotions and do so with compassion and empathy.


Electricity is zipping through your brain and you're feeling more intelligent and alert than usual. Use this energy to amp up your day-to-day routine, become more efficient with your time, and engage in stimulating conversations. You're also feeling inspired to build a life for yourself. Create a cozier and more stable reality for your and your loved ones. You deserve to feel at home, so keep that goal in mind.


Luxury is sweeping through your mind and you're in the mood to cultivate a more stable and beautiful reality. Take time to understand what you truly need in order to feel safe and secure. Then, set your sights on luxuries that make you feel pampered. You deserve it all. You're discovering new layers of yourself and feeling inspired to express your thoughts and values for all the world to hear.


You're energized with confidence and self-acceptance. Honor everything you've been through and give yourself credit for coming so far. It's time to make changes that reflect the person you're becoming. Don't be afraid of change. Your inner world is bursting with unexpected beauty, so find ways to ground yourself in spirituality. What do you need in order to become more in touch with your subconscious feelings?


If you feel a desire to insulate yourself from the chaos of the outside world, don't fight it. Instead, make use of it. You're feeling more in touch with your spiritual side and there are secret powers swirling inside you, begging to be harnessed. Spend time journaling, meditating, and getting to know the introverted you. This will help you find the right people to spend time with, as your social life is currently being rearranged.


Your social life is buzzing with exciting energy and you have all the power to lead the way. Start thinking about how you can be a positive influence on others and use your energy making the world a better, more connected place. You're telling truths that come from deep within and it's rejuvenating the way you communicate with others. Decide what you should keep to yourself and what you should share with others.


If you don't think the world wants to see you shine, think again. You've got so much to offer, but no one will know it unless you put yourself out there. Think big when it comes to your dreams and your lifelong goals. In fact, the bigger, the better. Spend time with people who inspire you because it's bringing adventure and opportunity your way. Let others show you a new way of seeing the world. As they say, it's all about who you know.


If there's ever a time to travel and immerse yourself in some fresh scenery, it's now. Monotony just won't suffice, as you're feeling inspired to try something different and rejuvenate your perspective on life. Nurture yourself with cultural exchange. Your career is undergoing immense transformation lately, so expect the unexpected. You're making progress, even if you don't see it yet. Make way for breakthroughs.


You're coming to terms with an ending of a chapter in your life. Whether this is a relationship, a project, or simply a mentality, you're putting it behind you, and you might feel just as excited as you are nervous. Lean into this feeling. Something beautiful is lining up for you. Embrace spontaneous adventures and opportunities, as they will bring you to someone who will change your life for the better. You never know what could happen.


You're immersed in friendship, love, and all the promise that comes with having strong one-on-one relationships. This is a beautiful time to nurture your interpersonal connections and cooperate towards something that can benefit both of you. You're also restructuring your priorities and daily routine. Infuse a health-conscious and productive mindset into your lifestyle. Big changes always start with small decisions.


You're crossing items off your to-do list and rearranging your goals to suit your wellbeing. What have you been procrastinating on? How can you live a more beneficial lifestyle? Seek out self-improvement and it will pay off. Work on your one-on-one relationships, as it will bring opportunities towards your career. Help someone and be helped in return. You want someone to think of you when an opportunity arrives.


Treat yourself to some necessary fun and enjoyment. Get in touch with your creative side and add a little more color and poetry to your everyday life. Turn the music up. Go on a date. Do whatever brings romance into your life. Your home life is bursting with excitement right now, and you have the power to get a lot done. Spend time sprucing up your living space and spreading compassion throughout your family.


You're feeling like a homebody and there's no reason to feel ashamed of it. Make sure you have a positive and sacred environment to return home to after a long day's work. Spend time with people you trust and can be your true self with. You're having fun with your day-to-day priorities and feeling creative about the way you live life. Conversations you have will stimulate your imagination and inspire you to live more artistically.