May Will Be Wild For Every Sign, Thanks To Gemini Season & Mercury Retrograde
The month of May begins with the sun in gorgeous and grounded Taurus, encouraging you to take a deep breath and feel your surroundings. All that exists is the present moment, so connect even more deeply with the here and now by immersing yourself in the beauty of it all. Taurus wants you to see, taste, hear, touch, and smell things that remind you of how wonderful it is to be alive. However, your May 2021 monthly horoscope is just beginning, and there's so much in store for you.
With Taurus season underway, things may feel slower and more patient than usual. However, things will begin to pick up speed immediately, thanks to the fact that chatty Mercury and romantic Venus will both have entered Gemini as of May 8. This will get the gears running in your brain, activating your desire to challenge your mind by learning new things and engaging yourself intellectually as quickly as you can. You may even start to feel even more social and ready for a more positive outlook on life.
You'll begin planting the seeds of so many new things by mid-month. On May 11, a new moon in Taurus will provide you with an opportunity to set practical, down-to-earth goals. That makes it a beautiful time to rethink your financial goals and set your sights on whatever you need to feel more stable and supported. On May 13, Jupiter — planet of growth, expansion, and luck — will make its divine entrance into Pisces, its home zodiac sign. This will initiate one of the most benevolent and spiritually enlivening periods of 2021, encouraging you to embark on new journeys and embrace your imaginative inclinations.
Gemini season begins on May 20, tapping into the social butterfly that exists within you. This will encourage you to speak your mind and listen to what other people have to say, putting you in a stimulating position to make new friendships. It will also help you absorb information like a sponge, and by the time Gemini season is over, you might feel like your intelligence has reached a whole new level. Just make sure that when you start with one idea, you do your best to stick with it. Gemini has the tendency to begin too many projects at once, so remember to stay focused.
However, Gemini season gets wild pretty much immediately. After all, on May 26, a lunar eclipse (aka blood moon) in Sagittarius will take place instead of a regular full moon. In astrology, an eclipse is a game-changing experience that has the power to change the course of your life altogether. Because this lunar eclipse takes place in adventurous, truth-seeking, and spontaneous Sagittarius, this lunar eclipse may even encourage you to embark down a road that takes you somewhere completely new. If you have mutable placements in your birth chart — especially within 2 to 8 degrees — you'll be affected by this lunar eclipse even more intensely.
What would Gemini season be without a few tricks? That's right, the month comes to an end with Mercury stationing retrograde on May 29. This particular retrograde will also take place in Gemini, which could lead to plenty of communication mishaps and an all-around feeling of brain fog. However, sometimes distractions can lead to the greatest developments.
You're beginning the month slow and steady, remembering what you're grateful for. So much is supporting you, so continue to pour your time and energy into furthering that support. However, you may find yourself embarking down new adventures when you least expect it, challenging your whole perspective of not only your life, but the world. Let go of your previous judgments and open your mind.
You're remembering who you are. You're not who you've previously been, because those experiences have shaped you and encouraged you to embrace new dreams. Give credence to the hopes and desires that may feel new to you. However, there may be things weighing you down. There may be attachments — both emotional and literal — that are preventing you from going the distance. Set yourself free.
You're spending this month letting go. You may feel the mystical vibrations of forgiveness, but the process of healing is a messy one, so don't expect instant results. However, you're well on your way to readying yourself for some major growth. In fact, some major developments regarding your relationships may be coming into focus. The people that remain in your life now are there for a reason.
This month is highlighting your leadership abilities, tapping into your potential to make the world a better place. It's a beautiful time to start thinking about how you can invest more of your heart into causes that matter to you. However, don't forget to focus on your own healing in the process. You may be feeling things a lot more deeply this month, encouraging you to take up habits that bring out the best in you.
This month is all about focusing on your professional goals and embracing the confidence it takes to reach the success you're hoping for. Step up to the plate, and even if you strike out, you learned something that will help you later. Networking will begin to come more naturally to you and you may meet people who help you along the way. A major creative breakthrough is also coming to fruition. Accept it.
You may see so many more opportunities this month. The world is opening for you like an oyster and it's up to you to partake in its splendor. Allow yourself to live life fully and truthfully. Your relationships are taking on a deeper meaning, and eventually, you may find out who matters to you most and who knows you best of all. Let your perception of love guide your understanding of home.
This month may feel intense at first. You're reviewing the way you spend your energy and rethinking whether your investments are truly serving you the way you need them to. Take a moment to consider whether your energy could be better placed elsewhere. By the end of the month, new information could throw you off your center. Words may be exchanged that change everything. Allow time for the dust to settle.
Your relationships are taking on deeper significance. You may be thinking more about what you need from a relationship and how you can strengthen your connection with the people in your life. However, there's only so much you have control over, and by the end of the month, you may feel as though new developments are challenging your stability. Let go of what you have no power to change and trust in your inner strength.
Your well-being is the center of your focus as this month begins. Spending time redesigning your day-to-day activities and focusing on the power of routine can transform your whole mindset. However, by the end of the month, you may feel a powerful change coming together and it may feel as though it's out of your hands. If it feels like things are being abruptly taken away from you, know that something new is also being given to you.
Your creative instincts are on fire this month. You may be craving more romance from your life, which will only put you in the position to feel the beauty surrounding you even more deeply. By the end of the month, you may be taking some of your artistic ideas and fleshing them out through diligent hard work. However, there may be some repressed emotions that are begging to be released. Take a moment to acknowledge them.
This month is about reconnecting with your emotional center and regaining your understanding of "home." Spend time making your living space feel more comfortable and returning to your roots. Things may pick up momentum by the end of the month, encouraging you to tap into your creativity and your vision for the future. The people you associate with will come into question, influencing your understanding of your future.
You are buzzing this month and you may be flitting from one idea to the next so fast that you can't keep up. You're on the verge of embracing so much growth, and soon, everything may feel so much more expansive and exciting than before. However, by the end of the month, you may be dealing with some career shifts that force you to think seriously about your goals. What do you really want to accomplish?