Your New Moon In Pisces Horoscope Will Help You Hit The Refresh Button In Your Life This Month
It's that time again, stargazers. There's a mystical new moon in Pisces upon us, as it will be vanishing into the night sky on Wednesday, March 6, gifting us with a clean slate from the heavens. Speaking of, I've got your new moon in Pisces horoscope 2019, according to your sign, and one thing's for sure: There are new beginnings headed your way, so sit tight. Truth is, the phases of the moon are as moody as they are magical, and every single one of them has a unique significance. With that being said, it is strictly up to us to utilize these incredible resources, compliments of the cosmos, of course.
For instance, the new moon phase is similar to a blank canvas, as it is a symbol of renewal, and a time to plan ahead. Come to think of it, when the moon renews itself, as do we; hence this is an excellent time to clear your mind, declutter your living space, gather your thoughts, and reflect on the intentions you wish to set. Moreover, activities that involve resting, re-charging your batteries, and spending time in solitude are highly recommended. Remember, a positive environment is essential to your spiritual growth, and evolution process. Listen to your body, and do what feels right.
BTW, don't be discouraged if the seeds you plant now don't flourish right away. The intentions we set during this lunation will most likely bloom during the full moon in Pisces in September 2019. Speaking of Pisces, this energy is a symbol of our dream world, and the universal realm. Given that Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, this energy is also a symbol of endings and beginnings, so it's important to surrender, and trust the process of renewal. On the dark side, however, Pisces energy can also be a bit hazy and ambiguous, so stay grounded.
Last but not certainly not least, this upcoming new moon will be charged with a number of planetary influences. For instance, the moon will be sitting close to its ruler Neptune, which in turn, will heighten our intuition and compassion, while adding color to our imagination. This lunation will also be taking place on the same day Uranus enters Taurus, which means the intentions we set now could potentially last up to seven years, or more. On another note, however, the disruptive energy of Uranus could also spark chaos, rebellion, and unexpected surprises.
Nevertheless, this our chance to surrender to the universe with open arms. In the meantime, here's how the new moon in Pisces might affect you, according to your zodiac sign:
Aries: A Time To Dream, Literally
Despite the constant stress you've been experiencing on a daily basis, this new moon is here to remind you to breathe, decompress, and surrender to the universe. Have you ever considered starting a dream journal? Pay attention to your dreams, as they will be as vivid as ever during this time.
Taurus: A Time To Discover Your Soul Tribe
Just because you aren't the same person you used to be, doesn't mean you can't find a group of like-minded individuals who support you and inspire you on a regular basis. You are perfect exactly the way you are, Taurus. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Gemini: A Time To Reflect On Your Life Mission
Is your professional live fully aligned with your soul truth, Gemini? Truth is, you can do anything you set your mind to, and as you know, the possibilities are endless. That said, what is your definition of success? What's holding you back from achieving it?
Cancer: A Time To Expand Your Spiritual Consciousness
You're constantly evolving, but the knowledge you acquire along the way is essential to your personal growth. When was the last time you picked up a good book? What's on your bucket list? Granted, venturing into the unknown can be intimidating, but not to worry, the universe has your back.
Leo: A Time To Forgive And Let Go Of The Past
For the record, forgiving yourself is also recommended, Leo. BTW, I know you're not a fan of the "deep" stuff per se, but this lunation is here to help you move on from everything holding you back. That said, make space in your heart and mind, and remember to have compassion for yourself in the process.
Virgo: A Time To Reflect On Your Relationships
You get what you give... and allow. The new moon will have you reflecting on your relationships, and the way you integrate yourself into the lives of others, and vise versa. However, it's important to be mindful of the people you're sharing your energy with, as this energy knows no boundaries.
Libra: A Time To Organize Your Daily Routine
Bad news first: The new moon could spark anxiety, and perhaps insecurity, in regard to your current routine, and health regimen. However, don't let the Neptune fog creep up on your dreams, Libra. This is an excellent time to start being more mindful, and in turn create a positive environment for yourself.
Scorpio: A Time To Tap Into Your Inner Child
Feeling artsy, Scorpio? The whimsical feels of this new moon could also serve as a dreamy muse for creativity, and romance. So much so, this is a great time to make magic, whether it be with a love interest, or via artistic channels. I know your guard is high, but remember, authenticity is everything.
Sagittarius: A Time To Feel At Home Within Yourself
What makes you feel safe, Sagittarius? Despite the moody and introspectiveness that could stem from this new moon, this is also an excellent time to meditate on what makes you feel most secure. With that said, what boundaries need to be set? How can you better your living space?
Capricorn: A Time To Put Unspoken Thoughts Into Words
You're not® the emotional type per se, but this new moon is here to remind you to be more compassionate with yourself, and your immediate circle. Speak your truth. Say what's on your mind. Also, despite your motto of "needing to see to believe," remember, it's OK to surrender to your intuition every now and then, Capricorn.
Aquarius: A Time To Remember Your Self-Worth
What makes you the happiest, Aquarius? What brings you pleasure? This new moon will illuminate your second house of self worth, values and spending habits. That said, when was the last time you tapped into your unique gifts? This lunation will highlight the different charms you possess, and remind you that it's OK to be different.
Pisces: A Time To Reimagine Your Magical Aesthetic
Happy new moon! It's your solar return, and this mystical lunation has your name written all over it. For starters, you could be feeling a bit moodier than usual, but not to worry; you know how to swim in these mutable waters. On a brighter note, however, this is a great time to reinvent yourself, and reimagine your aesthetic. New wardrobe? New mermaid hair? Work your magic, Pisces.