Your Weekly Horoscope Pins Down What You Should Take Care Of Before The Holidays
Thanksgiving is over, and I don't know about you guys, but mine was fantastic because I didn't visit my family. Self-care never fails, baby! Anyway, I'm excited to bring you a Nov. 27, 2017 weekly horoscope either just in time to heal your holiday wounds or to soothe your overstuffed tummy. Either way, we've got a big week ahead as we're right on the verge of the last Mercury retrograde of 2017. This one is going to enter its retrograde phase on Dec. 3 and continue until Dec. 22. Not only is that major transit affecting our day-to-day life, but we've got Saturn moving into the sign of Capricorn on Dec. 19, to stay until March of 2020.
If you'll be turning 28 or 29 during this period, this Saturn transit will affect you the most, because it signals the beginning of your Saturn return, a cosmic period of intense learning and growth. While the Saturn return is feared by many as an extremely challenging time, I like to think of the Saturn return as a cosmic bat mitzvah, when you transform from a young adult into an actual adult. It would take a whole other article to describe what this Saturn transit means for every sign, but don't fear that's on its way. Before we focus on the next three years, let's just focus on this week.
This week is a little all over the place, Aries; Mercury joins with Saturn, making it a beneficial time to focus on getting any writing or communication projects underway. Venus enters your fellow fire sign Sagittarius, boosting your confidence and creating more opportunities to meet someone special. (If that's something you're interested in.) When Mars opposes Uranus on Dec. 1, you run the risk of losing your temper in an unexpected way, so it's best to postpone conversations where you hope to strike a compromise until after that day.
Your eighth house of other people's money, shared resources, and debt is still being highly energized this week, so your focus will be on money matters, business, and financial partnerships (either business or personal). This is a good week to take a look at your costs and expenses with a partner and re-evaluate where you can cut costs, and where you might be able to save. When Venus enters lucky Sagittarius on Dec. 23, you could expect an increase in your income.
Beware making any promises you can't keep in the beginning of the week. Mercury and Saturn are joining forces, making sure that promises made are promises kept. Be sure to balance your own desires (and your tendency to change your mind) when you commit to someone, and on Dec. 1, use your ability to compromise to re-evaluate any agreements you've made that you don't think will work.
Your focus this week is on work, and you can use the transits occurring between Mercury and Saturn to help you remain focused. While work might be proving itself a challenge lately, you're at your best when you are taking care of yourself and your health. If there's an area of your life that you've been slacking off in (either not getting enough sleep or drinking too much) you'll need to spend this week recommitting to a healthy routine.
This week is full of love, Leo. You have every reason, and every opportunity to focus on having fun. Music, concerts, the theater — engage in the hobbies you enjoy to reconnect to your own sense of creativity. Babysitting or spending time with your youngest family members can bring this out in you, too. This week is all about regaining your own sense of childlike wonder in order to create a sense of gratitude and fun. Ultimately you strengthen the tie between yourself and the collective consciousness, and gratitude in your everyday life.
If you are closing on a new house (LOL what are you, like a billion-dollar senator?) or just signing a lease on a new apartment (more realistic) the planets are in your favor to go ahead and sign on the dotted line this week. With Mercury joined to Saturn, you'll have the attention to detail to make sure everything is to your liking. Not to mention with the sun in Sagittarius, your focus is in your fourth house of home and family; so even if you're just making a purchase for your house or hiring someone to fix it up, you'll be happy with the result.
This week, your focus is on communication, travel, the written word, and mental activities. You may have a lot to do, and I would suggest using the alignment between Mercury and Saturn to focus on creating a list of things you need to do, tackling them one at a time so you don't get overwhelmed. Since your third house of local travel and electronics is highlighted, go ahead and get your car checked out this week in preparation for holiday travel.
This week might be the week you get all your holiday spending out of the way, and while you're at it, go ahead and treat yourself to a few things as well. Your second house of earned income is highlighted, which indicates an uptick in your spending, but also your earning power. The beginning of the week is a great time to ask for a raise, if you've been considering that.
With the sun in your sign, you are the celestial favorite this month, and with your first house highlighted, a project close to your heart seems to be finally shaping up this week. If there's any paperwork or contracts you need to sign to get the wheels in motion on that, the beginning of the week is the best time to do it. Dec 1 is a good time to go for a new haircut, get a facial, or mani-pedi, as Venus enters your sign.
Capricorn, this week your twelfth house of secrets is highlighted. You have four planets clustered in this house, which also rules privacy and self-care. If you haven't been to therapy in a while, now is the time to schedule your next appointment. You have the chance to get your sh*t together now, before the hustle and bustle of the holidays drains your energy, so make sure you're taking the time to recharge.
Aquarius, you have your eleventh house highlighted this week. If you've been thinking of volunteering with an organization but haven't had time to fill out all the necessary paperwork to do so, Nov. 27 is the day to get all that squared away. When Venus enters Sagittarius on Dec. 1, you'll have the chance to expand your social life with others through group activities. Take advantage of the opportunity.
This is a huge week signaling a major change to your career, as you have your solar tenth house of career honors and achievement activated. When Mercury joins Saturn on Nov. 27, you could be signing a contract that could completely change the course of your career. Make the moves you need to solidify a partnership with an agent or manager, or with your business partner. When Venus enters Sagittarius on Dec. 1, you'll have a chance to mingle with important people at holiday parties. Resist the urge to hide out in your cave.