Your November Horoscope Is Here & It Feels Like The Beginning Of A New Era
We made it, stargazers. We worked diligently all throughout Virgo season, re-evaluated our relationships during Libra season, and now as the all-seeing Scorpio sun reaches its peak, we are releasing the ego, along with the different parts of our lives that no longer serve us. Your November 2018 horoscope is finally here, and after looking closely at the stars, it's safe to say, we are just about ready for lift off. Can you feel it? The change brewing within you, and all around you? There is an enormous amount of clarity being shown to us all, as we are wrapping up an important life cycle during this time.
There are some important planetary aspects taking place this month, which is why I described it as the beginning of a new era. Now, before lucky Jupiter enters its home sign Sagittarius on Nov. 8, the true node (often referred to as the north node) takes a dive into the sensitive waters of Cancer on Nov. 6. FYI: The nodes of the moon are points on the ecliptic where the moon crosses the sun’s projected path. The true node (or north node) represents our karmic direction, both personally and collectively. However, for now, I'm solely referring to the collective, as we are not reading an individual birth chart.
With the true node in domestic Cancer, we, the collective, will turn our attention to self-nurture, healing, and all things related to our emotional comfort. During this time, we are asked to seek balance between our home life vs. our work life. For instance, is your physical or material success aligned with your soul's truth? Are you nurturing your emotions? Or are you living up to your current reality? If you're interested in seeing how this transit might affect you, check and see where the Cancer-Capricorn axis is located on your birth chart. Hint: The true node was in the sign of Cancer between Apr. 9, 2000 - Oct. 12, 2001, incase you want to take a trip down memory lane.
In the meantime, here's a closer look at what's in store for you this month:
Aries: Take Time For Yourself
I'm sorry, the old Aries can't come to the phone right now. There's a whole lot brewing for you these days, and you're feeling it at your core. The true node enters Cancer, and your fourth house of home, family, and soul foundation on Nov. 6, putting emphasis on your emotional well being. Shortly after, lucky Jupiter enters your sister sign Sagittarius, and expansive ninth house of higher learning, and personal philosophy. This is going to be AMAZING; however, you won't start to feel this lucky shift until the beginning of Sagittarius season on Nov. 22, as your ruling planet Mars will begin swimming into the depths of Pisces, and your twelfth house of rest and closure, on Nov. 15. Get some rest.
Taurus: A Time Of Deep Reflection
I have good news for you, Taurus! Your ruling planet Venus FINALLY goes direct on Nov. 16. However, before you start feeling like yourself again, the true node will slide into sensitive Cancer, and your third house of siblings and communication, putting emphasis on your words, thought process, and immediate network on Nov. 6. Are your words coming from a genuine place? Take this time to reflect on your verbal exchanges. Two days later, lucky Jupiter enters Sagittarius, and your eighth house of sex, transformation, and other people's money. This could seem like a deep dive for you, but you've got this. Struggling with financial debt? The sun enters Sagittarius, shedding its light on this area of your chart, on Nov. 22.
Gemini: There's A Stable Partnership On The Horizon
You can take your workaholic hat off now, Gemini. Well, almost. The sun wraps up in Scorpio, and your sixth house of health and day-to-day routine on Nov. 22. However, and I hate to put a damper on your month, but your ruling planet will retrograde on Nov. 16 through Dec. 6, and well, you already know what time it is. On a brighter note, lucky Jupiter enters your partnership zone on Nov. 8, bringing abundance and expansion to your relationship sector. Still scared of commitment? I hope not! Single Gems could suddenly meet a future prospect, and Jupiter can do no harm, so trust the divine order of things. In fact, the True Node enters Cancer on Nov. 6, putting emphasis on your core values, and self worth. This is a good thing.
Cancer: This Is The Beginning Of A Brand New Cycle
You're doing amazing, sweetie. No, but for real. This isn't your first rodeo, Cancer; however, you've never been more ready to let go and start again. The true node enters your sign on Nov. 6, bringing new beginnings to your life, as you are finally ready to to move on. The last time the true node traveled through your sign was back in the year 2000. Can you remember where you were back then? Or how you felt? Lucky Jupiter enters Sagittarius, and your practical sixth house of health and work routine, on Nov. 8. Remember, Jupiter is the Great Benefic, so make sure you take advantage of this time as it won't be back here for another 13 years. On Nov. 22, the sun will join Jupiter in Sagittarius, putting emphasis on your day-to-day grind. Go get that sh'money.
Leo: You're Living Your Best Life
Oh hello gorgeous, Leo. Cheer up! You're almost done with Scorpio season. Granted, whenever the sun travels through our fourth house, we're naturally introverted and emotional; although, things are about to change for you, just wait for it. On Nov. 8, lucky Jupiter enters Sagittarius, and your flirtatious fifth house of fun, romance, and creative expression. Lights, camera, action! This is so much fun, and the best part is, Jupiter will be here for 13 months, so enjoy every moment! Now, Venus goes direct the same day Mercury goes retrograde, so before you let loose, don't forget to read the fine print. Last but not least, the sun joins Jupiter on Nov. 22, as it will enter Sagittarius and your fifth house of butterflies, romance, and laughing until your stomach hurts. Time to live your best life.
Virgo: You're Putting Yourself First
OK, Virgo. Let's get the bad news out of the way. On Nov. 16, your ruling planet Mercury will retrograde in Sagittarius, and your fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundation. Granted, no one likes it when their planetary ruler isn't working at its full potential; however, there's definitely some things you should re-evaluate in the home front. Are you being authentic about your needs? Have you been communicating with your loved ones? Luckily, Jupiter enters Sagittarius, and this area of your chart, on Nov. 8, bringing you luck, prosperity, and abundance. You deserve it, Virgo. Now, Mars enters Pisces, and your seventh house of partnerships, the day before. So, in the midst of your internal reflection, try to keep cool as this could spark some quarrels in your relationships. On a brighter note, the energy of Pisces is gentle and romantic, so remind yourself that it's OK to dream every once and a while.
Libra: You're Making Moves
I know, Libra. It's been a roller coaster; however, I have great news and I think you'll be excited, too. The true node enters Cancer, and your ambitious 10th house of career and destiny in the world, on Nov. 6. Do you know what this means? All of your hard work is finally paying off, and for the record, this transit lasts for two years. Hello, boss babe. It doesn't end there. Venus, your planetary ruler, finally goes direct on Nov. 16. Yay! You can finally go to the salon and get that much-needed new look going! Now, don't get me wrong; you're beautiful just the way you are, but we all know you love getting your glam on. Lucky Jupiter enters your chatty third house of siblings, communication, and your immediate network on Nov. 8. Are you ready to launch that new project on social media? Just make sure you do it before Mercury goes retrograde on Nov. 16. The sun will join Jupiter in Sagittarius on Nov. 22, shedding its light on your inner circle, and verbal exchanges. Don't be afraid to speak up.
Scorpio: You're Indulging In Your Creativity
Oh, Scorpio. There's so much in the works for you! We're at the peak of your birthday season, and on Nov. 6, the true node will enter your sister sign Cancer, and your expansive ninth house of travel, higher learning, and personal philosophy. Are you ready to take that leap of faith? Now, even though Jupiter leaves your sign on Nov. 8, you're still in for some luck, and that's because it will enter Sagittarius, aka your second house of income, values, and self-worth. Cha-ching! Salary increase? Self-love? Yes please! This is a beautiful time for you to embrace your charms and gifts, while reflecting on your core values. Mars, planet of energy, sex, and physicality, enters Pisces and your fifth house of creativity on Nov. 15. Talk about getting those juices flowing. This is your time to shine, Scorpio. The sun will join Jupiter in Sagittarius on Nov. 22, highlighting your money flow, possessions, and values. You're feeling yourself.
Sagittarius: It's Your Solar Revolution
Happy birthday, Sagittarius! Your birthday season officially kicks off on Nov. 22, but it's still considered your birthday month nonetheless. That's not all; lucky Jupiter, aka your ruling planet, goes home and enters your sign on Nov. 8. FINALLY. This is honestly the best birthday gift ever, and the best part is, Jupiter will be traveling through your sign for the next 13 months. How are you going to celebrate? What about a birthday adventure? Whatever you do, make sure you plan this getaway before Mercury goes retrograde in your sign. With the communication planet traveling backwards, there could be some unnecessary glitches with your itinerary. Not to worry, everything always works out for the best, just make sure you read the fine print.
Capricorn: You're Taking A Much-Needed Break
Think you've done enough, Capricorn? I know, I know; the clock never stops ticking, but that doesn't mean you should overwork yourself. There's a lot happening this month, starting with the True Node entering your polar opposite sign Cancer on Nov. 6, which ultimately affects your astrological axis, not to mention partnerships. Are you current relationships aligned with your soul truth? This is a time of me vs. we, as you will be reflecting on the way you integrate yourself into the lives of others and vise versa. Speaking of reflection, lucky Jupiter enters Sagittarius on Nov. 8, and your 12th house of secrets, healing, and closure. The next 13 months will be rather interesting, especially if you haven't taken time for yourself. Don't be afraid to dabble into mysticism. This is the time to do so. In fact, the sun will join Jupiter in this area of your chart on Nov. 22, once it enters adventurous Sagittarius. Have you ever heard of a nap?
Aquarius: You're Working On Self-Love
Oh, Aquarius. You're so groovy, but are your core needs actually being met? You could be re-evaluating your values and relationships in the home front, as Venus has been retrograde since the beginning of last month. On a brighter note, lucky Jupiter enters adventurous Sagittarius, and your eleventh house of friendships, tribe, and extended network on Nov. 8. This is totally your scene, Aquarius. Are you ready to get out into the community and do what you do best? The next 13 months will be about teams, groups, and your personal freedom. You're allowed to channel that inner rebel, too. Now, you've been feeling extra energized with warrior Mars on your side; however, the planet of war will wrap up in your sign on Nov. 15, and slide into Pisces, aka your second house of values, income, and self-worth. You'll be feeling as confident as ever. So, don't be afraid to do you.
Pisces: You're Ready To Rock N' Roll
Hi, Pisces! I'm so excited to share what's coming up for you this month. For starters, Mars, planet of war, energy, and aggression, enters your sign on Nov. 15. Do you know what this means? No more indecisiveness, no more lethargy, and definitely no more wishy washy vibes until further notice. For the record, this is great energy to have on your side, especially if you're working on an important project. Although, that's not the best part. Lucky Jupiter enters Sagittarius, and your ambitious tenth house of career and destiny in the world, on Nov. 8. Have you been struggling with your professional path? Are you unsure about what it is you really want to do? Not to worry, Pisces babe. JUPITER IS ON THE WAY. This is your year, and the next 13 months will highlight your career path, and destiny in the world. Remember, Jupiter is the planet of luck and expansion, not to mention your traditional ruler in esoteric astrology. Can I get an amen? Your dreams are about to come true.