Your October 2019 Horoscope Is Here, But So Is Mercury Retrograde
The fact that 2020 is a mere two months away is seriously mind-blowing to me. Every day feels like it's flying by. Then again, Saturn — aka Father Time, planet of discipline and structure — does a hell of a job reminding everyone of this feeling every single day. Essentially, your October 2019 horoscope will be no different.
Powerful Pluto (death, sex, and transformation) stations direct in structured Capricorn on Oct. 3, and this will evidently change up the vibes. However, more importantly, it will help you reclaim your power in order for you to transform. Are you ready to level up? October's got you covered.
That same day, Mercury (communication) enters smoldering Scorpio — which also happens to be Pluto's sign of rulership — followed by Venus (relationships and values) on Oct. 8. There's a lot of Scorpionic energy in the air this month, so try to make the most of its undeniable intensity. There will also be a full moon in hot-headed Aries on Oct. 13, and it will be fully charged with cosmic tension. Harmoniously aligned with lucky Jupiter, in the midst of audaciously challenging ride-or-die Pluto, this Mars-ruled lunation could very well feel like a celestial purification — if you're willing to do the work, of course.
The sun enters shadowy Scorpio on Oct. 23, and joins forces with la luna for a powerful new moon on Oct. 27. Last, but certainly not least, Mercury will station retrograde in taboo-loving Scorpio on the morning of All Hallow's Eve, and I'm fairly confident it will consist of a lot more tricks than treats.
Yes, there's a lot happening this month, so expect the unexpected in your October horoscope.
Aries: You're In The Process Of Deep Healing
There's a lot coming up to the surface this month, Aries. Aside from receiving a number of intuitive downloads, you will also gain deep insight in regard to your most intimate unions. Follow your instincts and listen to your body. Your personal identity, both individually and within your relationships, could be challenged by your desire to take control. Beware of petty power trips and overly dominant behavior. Instead of dwelling, look toward the future and keep your eyes on the prize. You're almost there.
Taurus: You're Confronting Your Shadow Self
Who are you when no one's around, Taurus? It's one thing to keep a secret and another to be a completely different person behind closed doors. You're entitled to your privacy, but have you reflected on the parts of yourself you keep trying to deny? With so much emphasis on your one-on-one partnerships this month, it's important you remain honest with yourself and the people in your life. Your personal philosophies are undergoing a powerful rebirth, so don't be afraid to express your POV. The dynamic within your relationships is a reflection of your personal boundaries.
Gemini: You're Shedding Old Skin
Be honest, Gemini. Are you afraid of stealing the spotlight? Does the thought of sharing your gifts with the rest of the world terrify you? Your ego is in the process of renewal, so don't bother dwelling or going down memory lane. Instead, set yourself free and surrender to the possibilities. It's time to get situated. This is your story, and you know something incredible is waiting for you on the other side of the horizon. With that being said, make sure to get your ducks in a row because the stars are aligning in your favor. Create the life you've always wanted, but never thought you deserved. Nurture your dreams, but be mindful of your well-being.
Cancer: You're Reconnecting With Your Inner Child
You're submitting to your passions more than ever these days, Cancer. It's about time, too, isn't it? However, despite your innate workaholism and selfless ways, you'll also be incredibly focused on your long-term goals this month. Although, this energy could very well express itself via your home sector, which means there could be some emotional friction between your parents or authority figures in general. With that being said, this is a good time to partake in activities that help you tap into your inner child. There are opportunities for passion and romance, too. Don't hold back from doing something you love.
Leo: Your Intuition Speaks For Itself
Don't forget to look within, Leo. You will likely gain deep clarity in regard to your belief system and general philosophies. Trust me, I know how much you've been sacrificing — in terms of work and your due diligence — but this is all testing your will and endurance, despite your ego's innate desire to succeed. Themes related to your inner world, home life, and family will be top of mind this month, too. Be more mindful of your health. Don't overwork yourself to the point of exhaustion; balance is key. Take care of yourself so you can take care of business.
Virgo: You're Finally Recognizing Your Worth
You might not be exactly where you want to be, but you're a lot closer to it than when you started, Virgo. Who knows, there might actually be something you need to let go of before you can really start living your best life. With that said, this is an excellent time to take action toward things that are of practical value. Remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, and this is especially true throughout the month of October. Have you considered the thought of monetizing your work? Your POV shouldn't be taken for granted. This is definitely something you should reflect on during Mercury retrograde.
Libra: You're Making Money Moves
You're celebrating another blessed trip around the sun this season, and you're feeling as assertive as ever, too. This will feel like a breath of fresh air compared to the last few months, and you definitely deserve it, Libra. Truth is, despite the challenges you've had no choice but to endure — both internally and in regard to your home foundation — this is a time for self-sufficiency. How can you make the most of your financial situation? It's never too late to work on your budget. Besides, it's safe to say, you've learned a thing or two about "giving and taking" within your relationships. Not sure what I'm referring to? This month's full moon will speak for itself, so pay attention.
Scorpio: Your Focusing On Healthier Habits
Another year, another birthday season, Scorpio. The good news is your powerful planetary ruler Pluto stations direct this month, which means all things related to your conversations, contracts, and daily tasks will start moving along rather quickly. As you can see, the clock does not stop ticking and yet, you're still struggling with your due diligence. I know I probably said this during Virgo season, but you have the same amount of hours in a day as Beyoncé. What are you waiting for? Whether it be the simple act of completing your most mundane tasks, or perhaps maintaining a healthy exercise routine, it's time to get your ducks in a row. Have you been getting enough rest? Take care of you.
Sagittarius: You're Surrendering To The Possibilities
Celebrate your truth and everything you bring to the table, Sagittarius. Let's face it, you've always lived a more nomadic type of lifestyle, but even then, you never really took advantage of the unique gifts you possess until recently. Speaking of, whether it be a smoldering romance, or a creative idea you've had in the works, your passion projects will more than likely see fruition this month. Group collaborations and your sense of belonging in the world will be top of mind, so go out there and do what you do best: socialize. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals will bring you closer to your hopes and dreams. Make it an adventure.
Capricorn: You're Finally Liberating Yourself
Do you even know what you're capable of, Capricorn? Despite the previously set structures and traditions you've had no choice but to entertain these last couple of decades, the time has come for you to set yourself free. It hasn't been an easy road, but I guarantee you the results will be life-changing. Your levels of authority might very well be tested this month, but this all depends on whether you've been surrounding yourself with the right groups of people. Does your professional life measure up to your hard work and value? Are you ready to take the necessary action? You will experience a deep moment of clarity during this month's full moon.
Aquarius: Confront Your Demons Once And For All
There's a lot going on for you behind the scenes, Aquarius. Despite not being the emotional type, you've really had no choice but to come face-to-face with everything weighing down on you this past year, and it's time to release what no longer serves you. Granted, this has been an ongoing theme for quite some time. However, you could experience a powerful epiphany during this month's full moon. What are you priorities? Have you been integrating your feelings with your words? I know you're not big on coming clean — especially when related to your emotions — but communication will be inevitable during this time. Speak your truth and honor your philosophies.
Pisces: You're Finally Establishing Your Network
No new friends, Pisces? Whether it be your ride-or-die crew of besties, or perhaps an intimate group of gossipy coworkers you simply cannot live without, it's time to decide who will make the cut. I know how much of a challenge this could be for you — given your innate compassion, not to mention lack of boundaries — but your soul energy depends on it. What I mean by that is, you could suddenly start to realize the areas of your life where your energy is being stifled. Please don't dim your divine light for anyone. Romantic or platonic, the question is: How much is too much? Are you giving too much and not getting in return? Cord cutting is a must this season, so follow your instincts and stop feeling sorry for the wrong people.
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