Your Virgo Season Horoscope Is Here To Help You Succeed
With the fall approaching, the sunlight is slowly beginning to fade, but the summer isn't over till it's over. 'Tis the season of the harvest, and your Virgo season 2020 horoscope has everything to do with cultivating abundance. More importantly, it's about reaping what you've sown in the past few months.
Life is cyclical, and if you take a closer look at the symbolism behind the seasons, you'll likely realize how much it resonates with the process of human development. Mother Nature's eclectic moods are symbolic of the circle of creation: spring is birth, summer is childhood, autumn is adulthood and winter is old age, which ultimately leads to death. Although Virgo season kicks off toward the end of summer, it still sets the tone for fall.
On Aug. 22, at exactly 11:45 a.m. ET, the sun will enter Mercury-ruled Virgo, where it will remain until it enters charming Libra on Sept. 22. Now that you've cultivated a relationship with your authentic self and tapped into your inner child during Leo season, here's what can you expect from the 2020 Virgo season.
Aries: You're Getting Down To Business
Playtime's over, Aries. With the sun shifting into meticulous Virgo via your orderly sixth house of health, routine, and acts of service, there will be a spotlight hovering over your day-to-day routine and lifestyle. What can you improve and/or upgrade in this area of your life? This season brings forth the opportunity to critique, declutter, and organize anything and everything that lacks efficiency.
Taurus: You're In The Mood To Create
It's time to come out of your shell, Taurus. The sun in Virgo is igniting your flirtatious fifth house of creativity, children, romance, and passion projects, and you're in for quite a treat. In addition to rekindling the fire with your artistic muse and significant other, Virgo season will evoke your inner genius and bestow you with some much-needed inspiration.
Gemini: You're Organizing Your Living Space
There's always room for improvement, Gemini. Besides, with the sun beaming directly through your domestic fourth house of home, family, stability, and emotional experiences, this is your cue from the cosmos to take a step back from the day-to-day chaos and go inward. Home is the theme for you this season, both within and all around you. Make sure your inner and outer sanctuary are up to par.
Cancer: You're Talking, Thinking, and Modifying
What needs tweaking, Cancer? Leo season shed light on your assets and values, but now it's time to decide what you're going to do with these unique gifts. With the sun in Virgo igniting your chatty third house of communication, thought process, and immediate exchanges, this season will be nothing short of engaging. Think before you speak and use your words wisely.
Leo: You're Investing Your Time On What Matters
This season is about making decisions, Leo. Despite your birthday season coming to a close, your shiny planetary ruler, the sun, is still working in your favor. Beaming directly through your pleasure-seeking second house of finances, possession, unique talents, and security, Virgo season will shed light on the balance between your desires versus your latest earnings. What needs improvement?
Virgo: You're Kicking Off A Brand-New Era
Happy birthday, Virgo. Your solar return begins with the sun energizing and revitalizing your sign via your first house of self, appearance, and personal identity. While you're perfect just the way you are, this is an opportunity for you to really work on yourself, and modify both of your likes and dislikes. Everything from your first impression to your levels of assertion will be highlighted during this time.
Libra: You're Finally Leaving Things In The Past
Let go and surrender, Libra. The season before your solar return always feels heavier than usual, and this is partly due to the duty of releasing what no longer serves you. While this isn't always easy, the sun in your secretive 12th house of karma, closure, and privacy sets the tone for a season of rest and, more importantly, introspection.
Scorpio: You're Thinking Practically About Your Dreams
Reach for the stars, Scorpio. With the sun highlighting your futuristic eleventh house of teams, networking, visions, social networks, and extended community, you're reflecting on your sense of belonging in the world. Everything from your team of coworkers to your social standing will be top of mind during this time. Are you being efficient and productive in this area of your life?
Sagittarius: You're Working Diligently On Your Goals
The only way to go is up, Sagittarius. Virgo season is now in session and it didn't come to play. With the sun igniting your prestigious 10th house of career, ambition, authority figures, and destiny in the world, there will be a prominent emphasis on your professional path and public persona. So whether you decide to modify your resume or perhaps come up with an entirely different scope of work, the cosmos are working in your favor.
Capricorn: You're Trying To Make Sense Of Things
How can you be more productive when it comes to your long-term goals, Capricorn? Sounds like an oxymoron, because you already work so hard, but there's something coming up for review this season. With the sun highlighting your expansive ninth house of expansion, wisdom, and opportunity, you're starting to think about a new strategy. Everything starts with intention, so don't sell yourself short.
Aquarius: You're Focusing On The Details More
Sharing is caring, Aquarius. With the sun igniting your erotic eighth house of sex, debt, transformation, joint ventures, and energetic exchanges, you're ready to connect the dots and discover what's been lingering beneath the surface. While this season tends to be a bit uncomfortable for you, there's something about your intimate unions and/or shared resources that needs to be brought to your conscious awareness.
Pisces: You're Ready To Pay It Forward
You get what you give, Pisces. The sun is beaming through your polar opposite sign, Virgo, this month, and it's energizing your committed seventh house of one-on-one partnership. When was the last time to checked in on your significant other? Whether it be personal or professional, Virgo season will shed light on your ability to compromise. If they're willing to meet you halfway, then it can't be that bad.
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