I Cast A Love Spell On My Situationship
I know I’m naturally charming, but we could all use a little sprinkle of magic sometimes, right?
I’m a huge believer in energies, auras, crystals, and modern-day witchy activities, like conducting full moon rituals and saging my apartment to clear out bad vibes. Do I have a vast crystal collection? Absolutely. Do I complete a manifestation ceremony during every new moon? You better believe it. That said, dabbling in spell-casting has never been my forté — especially when it comes to love.
I’ve been told by numerous men that I’m naturally enchanting, which may be a teensy bit truer than they’d expect. Multiple psychic friends have confirmed that I have a powerful oracular energy within me. (Basically, I was 100% a witch in a past life.) This prophetic quality may partially explain why romantic interests are prone to open up to me so quickly — pillow talk always gets real deep, real fast. All I need is a few seconds of eye contact, and they’re instantly charmed. Works like magic… almost every time.
Recently, I’ve caught myself in a situationship that’s more of a slow burn. There’s an undeniable electricity every time we see each other (which is multiple times a week — we have this interesting habit of unexpectedly crossing paths), but things have been rather stagnant lately because I’ve been traveling nonstop. Since I don’t have any trips planned this fall, I’m hoping we’ll have the opportunity to explore the chemistry more intentionally and see where things go. Cuffing season is approaching fast, after all.
When my friend approached me with the idea of casting a love spell, I figured, why not? I see no harm in using a little magic to keep me on his mind 24/7 and give him the push to text me. Plus, I’ll try anything once, and this would allow me to put my witchy skills to the test.
After perusing through #WitchTok and researching different types of love spells, I found a popular incantation that incorporates perfume. Scent plays a major role in my life — I’m a fragrance expert who develops scent descriptions for a living (yes, really). Through my work, I’ve learned that certain aromas can alter your brain chemistry, ultimately enhancing feelings of love and seduction.
I have more than 200 scents in my collection, yet I knew exactly which fragrance I’d use for the love spell. I recently traveled to Grasse, France, a medieval town with a ton of witchy energy that’s also known as the perfume capital of the world. I concocted a distinct fragrance from scratch while I was there, and although it wasn’t my intention, a variety of the notes I chose are tied to strong love-enhancing abilities.
Heliotrope, a marzipan-like floral, is the main note in my personal scent — and it’s been used to enhance the power of love spells for centuries due to its association with devotion, eternal love, and happiness. My perfume is also sprinkled with hints of blackberry, a complex, deep note that is said to heighten seduction, as well as amber, a rich, resinous aroma that is said to attract lasting love.
The next morning, I opened my phone to a video from him saying he missed me. The devil works hard, but witches work harder.
With my special potion in hand, I set up my kitchen counter to carry out the spell at 11:11 one evening. First, I cut a small piece of paper and rubbed it between my hands to infuse it with my energy. Then, I wrote my situationship’s name in red ink on one side, and my name on the other before dousing it in my perfume. According to multiple witches on TikTok, when you want to draw something (or someone) in, you fold the paper toward you. I did this three times as I said, “You are madly in love with me. You are obsessed with me. Come to me now.”
The final step was to put the paper in my pillowcase and keep it there until I heard from him. I went to sleep feeling energized yet calm — I had a gut instinct that I wouldn’t have to wait long for something to happen. However, I didn’t expect the magic to rev into action overnight.
The next morning, I opened my phone to a video from him saying he missed me. The devil works hard, but witches work harder. I was shook but fully convinced this was only the beginning. I kept the paper in my pillowcase until I saw him in person a few days later. We had a casual meetup, and while it didn’t lead to any impromptu rendezvous (I had already committed to other plans), the alchemy between us was indisputable.
That night, I burned the paper and blew the ashes out the window, believing deep in my heart that I had planted the seed for the magic to continue to grow.
That was three weeks ago, and while we’ve seen each other a handful of times, nothing truly spellbinding has happened. Here’s the thing, though: Even with such a powerful spell — along with the natural chemistry between us — the universe can sense any sort of block, which is something I’ve discovered through years of manifestation practice and research. And let me tell you, I’ve been subconsciously blocking myself.
I’m wrapping up an important passion project, and I know I can’t make space for a relationship until this is finished. So, essentially, my Aries stubbornness is holding up the results. Typical.
Still, I’m confident about the effectiveness of the spell. Sorcery works in mysterious ways, and I’m sure that as soon as he catches a whiff of my special perfume — and, you know, once I finally complete my project and let the universe take charge — he’ll confess his love for me.