Cuffing Season 2024-2025 Will Focus On Snuggles Over Sexy Times
Astrologers say the cosmos will be full of ups and downs through Valentine’s Day.
‘Tis the damn season — cuffing season, to be exact; a time when people try to “lock down” a partner (at least in the short term) to get through the colder months. But just because you may have someone to keep you warm at night through fall and winter doesn’t mean romance will always be on the menu.
With Venus-ruled Libra — representing love and partnership — imbuing the brisk autumn breeze with a yearning for a snuggle companion for the chilly days ahead starting Sept. 22, you’d think that love would constantly be in the air. In actuality, astrologers say that fall 2024’s energy supports singles, and winter doesn’t look much different.
Still, single or loved up, this cuffing season will be full of excitement.
You Definitely Won’t Be Bored This Cuffing Season
According to Hillary Coke, a Western astrologer and tarot expert with the Nebula platform, the overall vibe of the next few months will go as follows: It’ll move from “a desire for harmony (Libra) to depth and passion (Scorpio), then to fun and adventure (Sagittarius), and finally toward stability and commitment (Capricorn).” A roller coaster of emotions, if you will.
“This energetic shift follows the seasons that change, as people are drawn to emotional warmth and companionship in the colder months,” Coke tells Elite Daily.
Though cuffing season comes around every fall, lasting through Valentine’s Day, for the 2024-2025 rotation, there’s a little extra spice in the celestial sauce brewing.
The Karmic Energy May Feel Familiar
Astrologers mark 2023 and 2024’s cuffing season with extra significance over others. The focal points of destiny, the North Node and South Node, have been in the respective signs of self-focused Aries and partnership-oriented Libra since July 2023, creating an overall spotlight on the balance between yourself and your relationships.
The South Node, often characterized as the karmic past, is in Libra right now, “so all kinds of karmic relationships are coming in and out of people’s lives,” astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim tells Elite Daily.
“The nodes will still be in Aries and Libra through January 2025, so there is a continuing theme of evaluating co-dependency and whether or not someone’s helping us grow or we’re bending over backward to make something work,” he explains.
We are reinforcing our self-worth and hopefully finding unconditional love for ourselves so that we’re entering into relationships with that strong sense of independence.
On the flip side, the North Node represents the direction of the energetic current — it’s where you’re going. “With the North Node in Aries,” says Grim, “we are reinforcing our self-worth and hopefully finding unconditional love for ourselves so that we’re entering into relationships with that strong sense of independence, that way we’re in it knowing it’s healthy and we’re in it for the right reasons.”
From July 2023 to January 2025, the nodes beg the question: How do you maintain independence while operating within a healthy relationship?
September Marks The Start Of Something *Big*
It’s a doozy of a cuffing season debut. Kicking off in the trenches of a disorienting eclipse season and with most of the heaviest-hitter transits occurring before Halloween, consider laying low until the dust settles.
Sept. 17 — The first eclipse of fall is of the lunar variety, taking place in the sign of Pisces. However, the North Node will still be in Aries, so it won’t be a prime time to mingle. On the bright side, the personal growth prompts could have you prepped and primed for linking up later on in the season.
Sept. 22 — The sun will be in romantic Libra from Sept. 22 to Oct. 22. The same day the luminary steps into the Venusian realm, the fall equinox will bring symmetry to the hours of day and night, representing the balance and duality of relationships.
It can be very common during Libra season to focus on how we connect with others.
“It highlights the self-development journey where we merge with people and make connections. Libra is all about balance — the balancing act of a cooperating, trusting partnership,” says Grim. “It can be very common during Libra season to focus on how we connect with others.”
A third event on Sept. 22 will see Venus striding into brooding, soul-binding Scorpio. “The mood is deep, intense, and emotional as Venus begins cuffing season in piercing Scorpio,” California Psychics astrology expert Aurora Reiss tells Elite Daily, noting the water signs will be most affected.
October Will Make A Destiny Ping Pong Out Of You
Just when you think you got a grasp on the cosmic energy, another transit will come along to knock you off your axis, so be mindful of all that’s in store.
Oct. 2 — The solar eclipse in Libra is an event Grim calls “one of the bigger defining moments of the year.” “A lot of people will consider resetting their relationships, meaning potentially walking away from something that’s lost growth potential,” says Grim.
The eclipse can highlight your past and have old connections popping up left, right, and center to bring those lessons full circle. “It could also be someone with a past life connection,” adds Grim, “someone who is karmically destined to meet up at this time to help you ascend through the next lesson in the school of life.”
Safe to say the romantic implications of the celestial event are weighty. Whether you’re single or in a long-term commitment, the potential to redefine, reshape, or improve relationships is high on the eclipse's to-do list. Double that and give it to the next cardinal sign because those with prominent placements between 5 and 10 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn will take the brunt of this (respectful) solar sucker punch.
Oct. 14 — If you have a love-hate relationship with Uranus, the planet would roll its rebellious proverbial eyes because so does everyone else. You never know what this unconventional planet of the unexpected is going to bring, and on Oct. 14, it’s facing off with Venus in a respective Taurus-Scorpio opposition.
The mood shifts toward passionate encounters while on the move, and possibly in foreign countries.
“That could bring sudden changes into some peoples’ relationships,” Grim says. “There could be an opportunity to add a little bit of excitement to relationships, be more experimental, or add a sense of novelty.” For some, the transit will come and go without much fuss. But for others, particularly those of you with late-degree fixed sign placements, you’ll want to mark your calendars.
Oct. 17 — Things will finally start to lighten up as Venus heads into adventurous Sagittarius from Oct. 17 through Nov. 11. “The mood shifts toward passionate encounters while on the move, and possibly in foreign countries,” says Reiss. Other fire sign placements will get the most flirty fun out of Venus’ voyage through the flames.
Oct. 22 — Before you get too fancy-free, note the sun’s transgression into Scorpio, aka time to koala-style latch onto the object of your affection. “We start to enter those shadowy spaces with someone, some of the more taboo spaces, we have a more intimate connection, we explore each other’s subconscious, our psyches, and there’s an alchemical, transformative effect with the sun is in Scorpio,” says Grim.
Oct. 28 — Saturn will start playing a role in the longevity of your connection when the disciplinary planet squares off with Venus. “The Venus-Saturn square has a lot of commitment potential behind it if people choose to stay with someone,” explains Grim. Even as Venus dances in the whimsy of fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants Sagittarius, Saturn doesn’t play around and it’ll press you to know exactly what the future with this person might look like.
November Reels In Some Of The Astro Intensity
It’s not exactly smooth sailing after October, but if you made it to November with your cuffed-up cutie, you have full permission to exhale at this time.
Nov. 11 — You get a few weeks’ reprieve from Saturn’s buzzkill on Venus until the latter shifts into Saturn-ruled Capricorn and the durability and practicality of your romance comes into question. “When Venus is in Capricorn, there could be a bit more commitment potential just by virtue of the fact that it’s in a Saturn-ruled sign that has a lot to do with commitments,” says Grim.
Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo placements will be vibing with this transit the most as Venus graces their element until Dec. 7.
Nov. 21 — Nov. 21 commences Sagittarius season, bringing some of that fun, loving adventurousness back into couplings. The vibes are very cute for all the twosome holiday activities.
Nov. 25 — Mercury retrograde through Sagittarius from Nov. 25 through Dec. 15 could indicate potential travel delays, miscommunications, or a resurgence of your past. Don’t let reactive speech or missed flights sour the romantic mood. Take extra caution to think before speaking, actively listen, and double-check all appointments and reservations.
December Is All About Cuddling Up
Sagittarius season will carry the paired-up partners through the holiday season with all its natural positivity and boundless joy. It’s peak cozy season and prime time for cuddling up with a hot beverage and a festive film.
Dec. 3 — All that momentum you’ve gathered with your partner these last months? Consider the brakes pumped. From Dec. 3 on, Mars retrograde will color the remainder of cuffing season with a retreating sex drive. Whomp, whomp. But this doesn’t mean your connection has to halt — you simply might experience a reversal of that carnal, sexual energy for a spell.
Dec. 7 — Similar to Venus opposing Uranus, there’s an air of novelty afoot when Venus enters quirky Uranus-ruled Aquarius. “From Dec. 7 through Jan. 3 the mood becomes inquisitive, chatty, and zany,” Reiss says. “Air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius will love the cerebral vibe, as cuffing season becomes electric and innovative.”
Don’t forget Aquarius’ co-rulership by Saturn, echoing those long-term themes brought up by the planet over the past months.
Dec. 21 — It’s officially Capricorn season. “When we get into Capricorn, it does have a lot to do with commitment,” says Grim. “People think about who could be in their corner for the long term,” says Grim. You’ll take things more seriously and consider where you want to be in the future — right on par with New Year’s resolutions.
January Signifies That Relationships Will No Longer Be Under The Microscope
It’s a new year, surely Saturn is well and through with leaving its mark on cuffing season, right? Wrong. At least there will be the soft touch of Piscean delulu energy to soften some of Saturn’s rigid edges.
Jan. 3 — Venus in Pisces is certifiably adorable energy to bask in with a special someone. “From Jan. 3 through Feb. 4, cuffing season becomes misty and delicate as Venus visits the element of water again, this time in gossamer Pisces,” Reiss says, adding, “The spiritually inclined, but especially any water signs, will savor ethereal connections right now.”
Jan. 11 — The collective lens will refocus when the nodes shift from Aries and Libra to Pisces and Virgo. Essentially the vibe is going from super-cuffing season to regular cuffing season.
Jan. 19 — Saturn and Venus are absolutely *not* done toying with each other as they link up in a conjunction in Pisces, an event Grim calls “the ultimate test” for relationships. “It’s one of the more defining transits of Venus [for cuffing season],” he says, noting that it will most affect the mutable signs.
You may fear it’s the beginning of the end for cuffing season — and you’d be right.
“Maybe people are able to manifest a relationship that has a Piscean flare to it,” Grim offers, “Meaning it’s inspiring, soul-stirring, it feels divine and unconditional in a way, but Saturn is still allowing people to apply some realism and structure to it.”
On the same day, the sun will enter humanitarian Aquarius. “People will be getting into social networking, brainstorming, and collaborating more,” Grim says, pointing out the sign’s opposition to heart-ruled Leo.
As such, it’s not the most *loved-up* of energies, despite Valentine’s Day falling under its domain. You may fear it’s the beginning of the end for cuffing season — and you’d be right.
February (& Beyond) Will Bring Clarity To Your Connections
The list of Aquarian values above independence is rather short, and you could be feeling that itch for freedom as the sun progresses through the air sign.
Feb. 4 — Venus will respectfully dip out of sappy Pisces for a more self-assured, bold atmosphere with its ingress into Aries. “Leading up through the end of cuffing season and Valentine’s Day, Venus in fervent Aries will ensure that all signs get to enjoy the evening in the most pyrotechnic and vibrant manner,” says Reiss. Now is the time to put what you’ve learned from the nodes in Aries and Libra to use: How are you able to balance your own needs within a partnership?
Venus will also be in its pre-shadow period before it retrogrades through the fire sign in March. “That’s when a lot of people will be rethinking how independent they want to be in a relationship,” Grim explains. “They’re going to realize whether or not they’re in a co-dependent relationship and possibly break off at that point.”
By this point, cuffing season will have started tapering off, but there will be another defining moment waiting closely on the other side. “In early April, when Venus retrogrades back into Pisces conjunct Saturn,” says Grim, “that’s a huge crystalization of what people want long term.”
If you’ve been flip-flopping through cuffing season between wanting to stay with someone or leave, you can expect a wave of clarity by April 7.
Aurora Reiss, premier psychic advisor and astrology expert with California Psychics
Evan Nathaniel Grim, astrologer and founder of Inner Worlds Astrology
Hillary Coke, Western astrologer and tarot expert at Nebula