Boy Who Dressed As Bizarre Clown For Family Pic Is The Internet's New Hero
We all have that family member who insists on doing really weird stuff whenever the whole fam gets together to take a photo.
However, I can almost guarantee that your brother's strange facial expressions are nothing in comparison to this boy who dressed as a bizarre clown for a family picture.
If you're wondering who you can thank for this epic family photo, the kid underneath that creepy clown facade is Alberto Pazzi.
Pazzi told Buzzfeed News,
Back then, I was what you would call 'a naughty child. Being the youngest, I could get away with stuff that my older brothers couldn't. Theres a big gap in the age difference. I used to stick sandwiches in the VCR, blow up the microwave with hot wheels, start fires, break windows, you know the usual… and my parents we're super chill about it.
The photo, which was taken 20 years ago, was snapped shortly after Pazzi had played the role of a clown in a school play.
Pazzi liked his clown costume from his play so much, he refused to take it off when they went to the studio to have their picture taken.
Apparently, Pazzi's parents didn't feel like arguing with this bozo, because they gave into Pazzi's demands and let him wear his hilarious clown costume for the photo.
According to Pazzi,
You can tell by my pose that I got away with it. I love how my dad [pictured far right] looks a little confused and is keeping his distance from me, like as if I was some sort of freak.