Clingy Guy Has Exact Wrong Response To Crush Saying He's 'A Little Much'
Rejection hurts, there's no doubt about it.
But it's pretty indisputable that the worst thing you can do in response to a rejection is lash out at the other person.
Unfortunately, that's exactly what this dude did when his crush tried to let him down easy.
Reddit user lossaysswag, who is a friend of the crush in question, posted screenshots of the text messages exchanged between the two to see what the internet had to say about it.
The guy begins by straightforwardly telling her he has a crush on her and he'd like to get to know her better.
He seems approachable at first, though definitely a little too eager.
The girl's response is one of pretty palpable trepidation. Meanwhile, his "Soooooooooooooo?" has 14 O's.
She chooses to leave the conversation where it is. Personally, I wouldn't know what to do with a Cheerio's bowl worth of O's, either.
Dude clearly couldn't take a hint, though, because his next move was pretty outrageous.
Even after receiving no response at all from this girl, he decided to send her balloons, an edible arrangement and a stuffed bear.
This was the last straw for her.
She thanked him for the gift and then proceeded to execute possibly the most polite rejection I have ever witnessed. Yet, despite her mature response, he accuses her of liking "childish men" who treat her wrong. Even worse, he says she actually deserves a guy who won't treat her well.
Also, I love how he claimed earlier he knows her well enough to say he has a crush on her, but apparently, she doesn't know him well enough to decide he's a little too much for her.
I didn't think it could, but it got worse.
He discredits her career AND assumes she has "many unsolved issues." Hah, riiiiiiiiight, she's the one with unsolved issues.
Reddit users unanimously sided with the girl rather than the clingy guy on this one.
What's that saying again? Something about words and actions? One speaks louder than the other...?
I think it's probably always a tough day at the business factory, no?
This guy gives dudes everywhere such a bad name. I can only hope he stumbles upon this Reddit thread when he has a little time off from being a temperamental man-child at the business factory.
Citations: Guy has a meltdown over text after being called 'a little too much' by his date (Metro)