Two College Students Actually Got Together After Meeting On Snapchat
Who says technology is killing romance?
If these two students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison can meet-cute using Snapchat, maybe there is hope for love in the digital era.
The love story began when a UW-Madison student posted a video to the university's Snapchat story with a message to the guy wearing a Minnesota Vikings jersey who had already appeared on the story.
The student said,
I'm seriously in love with you.
The dude responded to his admirer with a time and place to meet up. Unfortunately, she didn't get the message on time.
That's when the whole campus started to get involved, determined to see this love story through.
Calling the girl "Mystery Girl" and the guy "Vikings Fan," other students started sending in their snaps to the campus story, egging the potential couple on.
The new plan was to meet up at a bar called The KK, a nickname for The Kollege Klub, a local bar, but Vikings Fan wasn't sure if he could make it out due to work.
The other students were not having it. They WOULD get that Hollywood ending, dammit. Everyone was frantically refreshing the Snapchat feed to see how this story would pan out.
One Snapchatter said,
You can either sit right there and do your project, or you can get your ass up and you can find that girl, man. She's looking for you!
In the end, Vikings Fan and Mystery Girl did meet up at the bar. They greeted each other with a hug, and Snapchat was happy.
Throw in some terrible illness and this could basically be a Nicholas Sparks novel.
Congrats, Mystery Girl and Vikings Fan. May your love last as long as your Snapchat story.
Citations: Modern romance in 10-second installments: Two college students find each other on Snapchat and entire campus watches on as they try to track each other down at bar (Daily Mail), Watch this UW love story unfold on the campus Snapchat (The Tab)