The White House's Instagram Account Got A 'Final Five' Gold Medal Makeover
The White House's Instagram got a gold medal makeover on Thursday!
America's “Final Five” Olympic squad has been making their victory tour around the country ever since they dominated at Rio.
Thursday's stop included a trip to the White House where they committed an adorable coup d'etat on our nation's highest ranking Instagram account.
Shortly after capturing the Instagram account, these vicious hijackers left the following caption on the picture above,
Hi @Instagram! The #FinalFive here, taking over the account as @TeamUSA visits the White House today for a ceremony with President Obama," they wrote. "We were so honored to represent the United States in #Rio2016 and we couldn't be more excited to be here! Stay tuned as we show you what's up at the White House. @usagym #TeamUSA.
Ok, I'm clearly joking. I'm sure there was a bunch of emails and a background check that went into this takeover.
Plus they for sure had to check their weapons before getting into the White House... SANS ALY RAISMAN'S GUNS!
Once they got into the building they did what most gymnasts would do in this situation and turned the entire space into a gym.
I'm sure many treaties were signed in this next room by some of history's brightest minds.
It is also where this thing happened.
At one point Simone Billes gave Obama a surfboard on behalf of all of the US Olympic athletes.
How much you want to bet this was Ryan Lochte's gift idea?
Eventually, the team decided it was time to give back control of the Instagram account to President Obama and his social media intern.
President Obama being in charge of the White House's Instagram by himself? Yeah, that's a streeeeeeeeetch.
By the way, if you're wondering why the Final Five is looking a little empty on Thursday, Gabby Douglas is at home recovering from getting her wisdom teeth removed.
RIP, Gabby Douglas' ingrown teeth.
Citations: The Final Five Gymnastics Team Meets President Obama Takes Over White House Instagram (ET)