This Guy Lost 200 Pounds And Ended Up With A Bizarre Addiction As A Result
If you thought Kylie Jenner posted a lot of selfies, she's no match for Sajid Khaliq.
Khaliq, a 28-year-old hospital administrator from Birmingham, UK, weighed 375 pounds after his mother's cancer diagnosis and death in 2010. For comfort in hard times, he turned to takeout and junk food.
At his heaviest, Khaliq would eat four fried eggs on four pieces of toast for breakfast. Then lunch would be chicken and fries, pizza or a burger. For dinner, he would have kebab or pizza and fries. He also snacked on biscuits and tea.
At that point, he was so ashamed of his appearance, his confidence was at an all-time low. He would never be caught snapping a selfie, and he barely left his house.
Khaliq had started gaining weight at the age of 15 when he developed an appetite for takeout, on top of his mother's home-made food. As his mother's condition worsened, he relied solely on getting takeout food because it was easier than cooking. While he was aware his diet needed to change because his weight gain made it difficult to help care for his mother, he wasn't in the right state of mind to start making lifestyle changes.
When his mother died, he would still turn to treats to cheer himself up, but overall, his appearance made him more depressed. And the more depressed he was, the more he ate. It was a vicious cycle.
At his job, Khaliq worked with patients who lost limbs due to weight-related conditions like diabetes. He didn't want that to become his future and realized he had to regain control over his diet and lifestyle.
In 2014, he signed up for the Cambridge Weight Plan with encouragement from one of his older sisters. Khaliq worked with a personal weight loss consultant and limited his calorie intake to 1,200 a day. He also started cooking for himself instead of getting takeout.
After 10 months of consistent dieting, Khaliq had lost 140 pounds and gained enough confidence to start snapping selfies. He posted a before-and-after transformation photo and received a flood of positive comments. So, he started posting more and more.
Now, Khaliq weighs about 175 pounds and eats three healthy meals per day. For breakfast, he has two boiled eggs, followed by a salad and chicken for lunch. For dinner, he'll have steamed fish and salad or veggies. And between his healthy meals, he snaps selfie after selfie.
At his new weight, he finally feels confident enough to socialize, play sports and go shopping at his favorite stores. He's even looking for a partner and hopes to be engaged soon. His friends apparently call him "The Selfie King," as he now posts up to 10 selfies a day.
People take selfies for all kinds of reasons. We all want to show something off. For Khaliq, he wants to show off his newfound confidence and the amazing life he leads at a healthy size.
You can see the full video of Khaliq's story up top.
Citations: Obese man who was too ashamed to post selfies on social media loses 14 STONE - and is now addicted to taking selfies (Daily Mail)