We All Feel Pain Of Innocent Grandma Who Had Chimp Poop Land On Face In Zoo
An energetic chimpanzee at John Ball Zoo was showing off his poop-flinging skills on Sunday afternoon and tossed his feces into the audience above him.
As the waste soared through the air, the crowd screamed with fright -- but when it landed, their terror turned to laughter.
The chimpanzee's poop landed in the middle of an innocent grandmother's face, and we can all feel her pain.
She was literally shit on during her trip to the zoo.
The poop-attack happened in a matter of seconds, and a lucky spectator caught the entire ordeal on camera.
In the beginning of the clip, the chimpanzee can be seen swaying back and forth as he scopes out the crowd from afar.
He appears to be contemplating which lucky audience member is going to get a face full of chimpanzee poop, and continues his swaying.
After deciding on his victim, he gets super excited and begins bopping up and down before flinging his poop in the old woman's direction.
At this moment, the feces is flying through the air and the crowd is roaring with concern.
The soaring chimpanzee waste landed in the middle of Grandma's face, and she appears to be shocked and confused at the fresh feces hanging off her nose.
A few moments pass by before the crowd begins laughing at Grandma's face poop, and she continues to look around in complete and utter bewilderment.
One voice can be heard saying, "It got Grandma."
Yup. The chimpanzee flung his feces into the crowd and it landed directly on Grandma's nose.
And you thought your day was bad.
I suppose the moral of this story is to never get too close to a chimpanzee who's holding a piece of his own poop.
You never know what he's planning or if you'll be the next poop victim -- so head to the zoo with caution, my friends.