Legendary Grandma Leaves Savage Note After Quitting Her Job And Twitter Is Proud
Let's face it: Quitting a job is never easy.
Usually, quitting means saying goodbye to your beloved colleagues, leaving your mentors and taking the next scary step in your career. It's definitely tough.
However, if you're someone who absolutely despises your workplace, quitting can be pretty damn easy. Heck, it can even be empowering.
This teenager's grandmother is a perfect example of someone who quit their awful job and DGAF.
On Wednesday, Kaitlyn posted a picture of her "gran's" notice for leaving work on Twitter -- and based off the letter, her grandma is stoked to get out.
The entire notice reads,
Dear Mr. MacGillivray, Notice of Termination of Employment. The joab's crap and I am leaving. I'll no be back after June 30th. Canny wait. Good luck in getting some other mug to clean the place. Cheerio. Marlene. Yee ha.
LMAO. Damn, Marlene! That was harsh! What does "cheerio" even mean, anyway?!
That's probably the most savage notice of termination I've ever seen, and I'm kind of impressed. In fact, I don't think I'll ever have a backbone as strong as Marlene's.
Of course, we aren't sure what Marlene's occupation was, but it's clear she was unhappy. Based off the "cleaning" line in the note, maybe we can assume was a house cleaner. Either way, Elite Daily reached out for more details -- so stay tuned.
After posting the letter on Twitter, it went viral and already received over 21,000 likes in 24 hours.
Apparently, folks on Twitter are super proud for the alleged "gran" and showed their support through an array of tweets.
People are inspired by her letter because "she's awesome."
Others are wishing her well.
She's a true icon.
Some even call her a "legend."
Heck, she even has style!
TBH, she's a total savage.
If you plan on quitting your awful job in the near future, feel free to leave a note. But if you don't want to burn any bridges, I probably wouldn't take Marlene's approach.
But, hey, it seems like Marlene didn't have anything to lose.