Everyone Wants To Name This Zoo's Baby Gorilla After Harambe
The Philadelphia Zoo just welcomed a newborn baby gorilla that is the most adorable creature to ever make you scream "squee" at your laptop.
The new western lowland gorilla was born to lucky parents, Honi and Motuba... or as I like to call them "Huba" (aka my own celebrity couple name for the pair).
But wait, wasn't there another western lowland gorilla that made news recently?
Oh yeah, that's right -- Harambe. RIP, you fallen hero.
And in case you wondering... yes, there's going to be a contest held by the zoo to name the little tyke, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Of course, the Internet has already answered with a resounding "Harambe."
So far, Harambe lives on only in meme form, whether it's a high school student dressed up as him, or kids spelling out his name on their shirts for their school ID photos.
I can only imagine how amazing it would be to have Harambe pass on his name to another gorilla, especially one so cute.
But if you want to do more than just enter the zoo's contest, there's are petition you can sign!
In fact you can add your signature to the Change.org petition demanding that "this precious newborn gorilla" be named "Harambe II".
Harambe II? I hope there's a whole dynasty of Harambes.
Harambe has died, Harambe has risen, Harambe will come again...
It's the circle of life!
It looks like Harambe might win by a unanimous decision.
In a nation divided by the presidential election, we can all rally behind this baby gorilla being named Harambe.
The stakes are high, Philadelphia Zoo... and so is the window Emily might jump out of.
And finally, here's the conspiracy theory that will have you believe in reincarnation.
Time will tell whether or not the Philadelphia Zoo will follow the Internet's cue.
Citations: Philadelphia Zoo Announces Baby Gorilla Naming Contest, Everyone Suggests Harambe (Complex), Baby gorilla makes debut at Philadelphia Zoo (Philly Inquirer)