Everyone Was Late To Work After Hackers Put Porn On A Billboard At Rush Hour
I've gotta hand it to computer hackers -- this is a pretty hilarious cyber attack.
There's an old saying that goes, "If you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life."
It's true. If you can find a way to take something you love and monetize it, your days at work will never feel like work.
For instance, take this computer hacker who took his love of porn and disrupting society and applied it to his occupation.

I wish I had more info about this video, but I simply don't. All I know is that this thing happened in a city with cars and a billboard video showing a computer screen of someone watching porn.
This means one of two things:
1) This billboard was hacked.
Someone figured out a way to get their computer into the hardware of the system and decided to broadcast some porn during rush hour (you know, real F-Society-"V For Vendetta"-"Black Mirror" kind of stuff).
2) Some dude forgot to log out of his work computer, went home and decided to make love to himself. Because he didn't log out, the image was still being transmitted over the billboard's airwaves and everyone got a little X-rated side show on their way to work.
For the sake of this dude's job, I'm going to hope it's the first one.
Actually, for the sake of humanity, I'm going to hope it was the first one.
I would LOVE to live in a world where, instead of taking down the financial system or crashing a nuclear arms base, the worst things hackers did was post porn places.
If this is what hackers want to do for now on, god bless 'em.
Citations: Porn Hacked onto the Big Screen Billboard of a Busy Road (DudeComedy)