Porn Stars Get Real About The Differences Between Sex On And Off Screen
This may ruin porn a little bit for you.
Porn is like a hot dog. It's really good, universally loved for the most part and you know it may not be the best for you, but you still eat it occasionally because you're an adult and can make decisions for your dang self.
It also is like a hot dog in that you don't want to know how it is made at all. You don't want to know how the meat gets chopped or even what meat is in there. You just want to eat your hot dog in peace and then MOVE ON with your life.
Porn is the exact same way. I don't wanna know how the porn stars emotionally felt during the shoot or how some director kept yelling, “SPREAD YOUR ASS TOWARD THE CAMERA,” while they were coitusing.
WoodRocket's video about porn stars comparing porn sex to real sex is pretty interesting but also super depressing.
Watch at your own risk.
Citations: Adult Film Stars Discussing The Differences Between Real Sex And Porn Sex Is Absolutely Fascinating (BroBible)