Porn Stars Got Super Real About Their Most Insane Fan Experiences
I mean, I know that these women (and a couple of men) are professional adult film stars, but uh... I think I speak for a lot of women when I say... who hasn't been there?
Their stories of their fans are crazy, but, to be fair, I guarantee a woman like me and a number of your friends have similar stories of creepy stalkers with weird requests.
One time a guy offered to buy my used socks. I didn't go through with it, because the cost of time and money to go out and buy myself some new pairs just didn't seem worth it.
But these stories are on another level...
Wood Rocket recently released their newest "Ask A Porn Star" video, which conquers the question, "What was your craziest fan experience?"
Of course, some experiences don't seem so bad.
For instance, one male porn star said that some fans come up to him and say he's their best friend, or at least it feels like he is.
I get it -- you see someone naked enough you do feel like they're you're best friend.
One female porn star, Cindy Starfall, received a box of pears! Not a bad gift! It's a little odd, but the oddest part was it came to her house and not her PO Box, and he expected a date out of it.
If I had a nickel for every time a guy gave me a gift and expected a date out of it...
Cindy Starfall did not eat those pears. Who knows what could have been in them?
Meanwhile, Aiden Starr was told a fan wanted to eat a burrito out of her ass, Kimberly Kane had a Christmas wish list sent to her that included a "Kimberly Kane fart mask" (I am too afraid to Google if this is a real thing), and two porn stars have very similar stories...
A man wanted them to go to his hotel room, and uh... relieve themselves in the restroom.
And then... they were either free to leave or watch him eat their... poop.
OK, I think I'm done. I think I'm out.
Shut it down.
Citations: Porn Stars Share Their Creepiest Fan Experiences (Dude Comedy)