This Medium Teaches You How To Talk To Lost Loved Ones, And It Actually Works
Death leaves many people with questions unanswered and relationship problems unresolved.
As a psychic medium, Rebecca Rosen has the gift of bringing her clients a sense of closure and purpose by offering them the chance to speak to their lost loved ones.
Yet, an even greater gift she gives them is a lesson on how to speak to their deceased friends and family on their own.
Rosen tells Elite Daily,
We can all do this for ourselves, but we can't all do it for other people. That's been my gift. That's been my inspiration behind writing [my] book.
In her new book, "What The Dead Have Taught Me About Living Well," which is part-memoir, part self-help book, Rosen passes on the messages she has received from spirits in order to assist the living on their own paths of spiritual evolution.
Rosen, who has been giving readings for over two decades, first started talking to the spirit of her deceased grandmother in college.
She was struggling with depression, and her grandmother, who had committed suicide, came in to serve as a guide to pull her out of that difficult time.
Rosen tells Elite Daily,
I didn't grow up in a household where we talked about paranormal stuff, so of course for a long time, I thought I was making this stuff up.
That didn't stop her, however, from using her grandmother's guidance to navigate the "classroom of life."
Rosen eventually took cues from her grandmother to help other people who were also overcome grief after the death of a loved one.
As someone who has experienced various levels of loss, I felt I already had some sort of connection to the other side, and I wanted to know if Rosen could bring any clarity to my past experiences.
Before my own reading with her began over Skype, she did a protective prayer, asking for guidance from the spirit world.
Then, she proceeded to blow me away with other-worldly wisdom.
First she asked me, "Who's Mimi? Is she your grandmother?"
I confirmed she is my grandmother, and Rosen explained Mimi is one of my guides, a spirit who is always there to help me through life.
This immediately made sense to me because like Rosen, I struggled from the same illness as my grandmother.
Only instead of depression, it was alcoholism.
Rosen said,
Mimi wants me to pass on a message to you: It's all about the stage. She says you're meant to be on the stage, and you're on your way and exactly where you're supposed to be. She says you're going to use your words to spread joy, but also teach people along the way, although not as a traditional teacher.
As a standup comic, I recently wrote a joke about Mimi that caused some conflict in my family. I even received an email from my uncle about it, and he demanded I retract the joke and publicly apologize.
(To whom? My Facebook friends? I'm not Amy Schumer.)
So, to hear that Mimi supported my comedy was good news to me. Also, I knew she would've liked that joke.
Then, Rosen said,
Mimi also wants me to tell you — I'm seeing a closet door made of shoes? Shoes stuffing a closet door. Do you have a bunch of shoes hanging from your door? Mimi said to tell you that when you see one of those shoes fall for no reason, or when that rack breaks, or when you notice anything weird happening with it, Mimi wants you to know that's her. She's trying to get your attention.
This gave me full-body chills. I knew exactly what she was talking about.
I have an enormous shoe rack on my door that takes up the entire corner of the room.
The weird thing is, every morning when I open my closet, I find not one, but several shoes on the floor that have apparently fallen in the middle of the night.
That's why I think anyone struggling with the loss of a loved one should look at Rosen's book.
You don't even have to talk with her personally for her to help you identify and interpret signs from the other side. With a little bit of introspection and advice from Rosen, you can do it all on your own.
While all of this might sound a little weird to a skeptic, I will say this: Knowing my grandma is still here, even in a small way, is comforting.
And I think that alone can give anyone a sense of closure.