This Raccoon Riding A Garbage Truck Is All Of Us Trying To Hold On To Our Sanity
A little raccoon riding the back of a garbage truck in DC has become the metaphor for the current state of our country: not sure where we're going, yet pretty sure it's a giant garbage dump, but still, like, hoping for the best...?
Hahahaha. Someone help us.
The cute little nugget was spotted by Politico reporter Helena Evich while she was driving in Rosslyn, Virginia (which is right outside of DC) on Friday afternoon. According to Huffington Post, he literally held on to the ladder of the truck for 7 miles.
I'm just going to come out and say it: This raccoon is a dog. This is the most dog-like thing ever. Nothing about the way it looks or is sitting says, "I AM DOG," but its spirit is SO dog. I have no science to back this up. This is just how I feel.
Evich tweeted this picture around 10 am Friday morning.
And people on Twitter immediately noticed how on-point his message was re: the state of American government.
But they made sure to make note of how inspiring Dog-Raccoon is. Just LOOK AT HIM! HE'S SO STINKIN' CUTE RIDING THAT TRUCK.
Evich kept the internet updated on the fate of our new furry buddy. TAKE CARE OF OUR BABY, EVICH.
Anna Wilkinson, communications director for American Disposal Services, said to ARLNow, "As soon as we found out that the raccoon was on the truck, the driver pulled over because we didn't want the raccoon to get injured." #SAVEDOGRACCOON2K17
The city of Falls Church later released a statement saying, "Police officers arrived on the scene near Hillwood Ave. and attempted to catch the raccoon, which appeared to be unharmed. The raccoon avoided capture and escaped towards the Larry Graves park area."
HE'S OK! DO YOU HEAR THAT, AMERICA? DOG-RACCOON IS GONNA BE OK! And, by the transitive property (#science), WE are going to be OK!
That's how that works, right?
You can have all of my trash, little man. Just take it. It's yours. You deserve happiness. You are the savior of America. I love you.