Savage Couple Caught On Camera Having Sex In A Lake In Broad Daylight
Look, I'm a big fan of having sex in public places.
Being in a relationship is tough for a number of reasons, but more often than not, it feels like it's real easy for your sex life to go stale the longer you're with the same partner.
So, what do we do to make sure that doesn't happen?
Well, one couple tried to remedy that issue by having doggy style sex in the middle of a lake in broad daylight, without a care in the world.
Thankfully, a group of fellow lake-goers caught the entire raunchy act on video.
I'm no linguistics expert, but it sounds like the folks in the video are speaking Russian, which leads me to believe the two individuals having sex in the middle of the lake in broad daylight are also Russian.
As Millennials, we use the word savage quite a bit to describe actions, but in this case, I really can't think of a more appropriate way to label the above video.
Like, where do they feel comfortable doing this? Russia, I guess.
Again, I'm all in favor of spicing up your relationship by having sex in a public place, but there are levels to this shit, people.
I once tried to convince my girlfriend to have sex with me on a neighbor's lawn after a concert, and while she declined at the time, she did later admit she was pretty close to giving in.
What's my point? Well, just the idea that we were close to banging on my neighbor's lawn at night was really hot. Remember, it's about levels.
However, this savage couple was clearly content with having sex in broad daylight in a shallow lake. This might be too extreme of a level.
I could never be that bold, but more power to these two?
In any event, remember to spice up your relationship, guys.
Citations: Russian Dudes Catch People Having Sex in Middle of Lake (Dude Comedy)