Internet Destroys Woman's Bizarre Video Vowing Sex Tape To Become 'Next Kim'
There are people out there in this crazy world who actually wish to become the next Kim Kardashian.
Are you surprised? I'm not.
I'm just a little sad for the parents who work so hard just for their kids to end up wanting to release a mediocre sex tape in the hopes of getting rich and famous.
Unfortunately, not everyone has high aspirations for themselves. That's precisely why the internet is tearing one YouTube vlogger apart after she vowed to release a sex tape no one asked for if she reaches a million subscribers.
Who knew people were that fucking desperate for an online following these days?!
YouTuber Lena Nersesian who lives in Los Angeles uploaded a video obnoxiously titled "$EXTAPE AT 1 MILL" which was addressed to her 150,000 existing followers.
During the 2-minute clip, the young woman says she wouldn't be willing to "do porn." However, she says it would be "cool" to film herself having sexual intercourse with "someone" who she's "seeing."
That video would then be released online if she were to gain a million subscribers on YouTube.
It turns out that special "someone" she is seeing is a fellow YouTuber under the username Adam22.
Here's a photo of Adam with Lena in the background.
As expected, there is a catch to this. Apparently, Adam22 (the digital Ray J) must also reach a million subscribers for the sex tape to be released.
I'm not sure if that is what actually angered Lena's subscribers, but some of them are PISSED.
A few unimpressed commenters flooded her account with messages like,
You're a mess. Get a real job like the rest of us.
Another commenter fumed,
This is pathetic and stupid and I've lost hope in humanity.
The disapproval for Lena Nersesian's YouTube scheme was quite endless.
You are kind of nasty and your poor self-esteem radiates through you. Have some self-respect, girl!
Finally, a commenter called her out for "trying to be the next Kim [Kardashian]."
Now, I know we're all supposed to be hating on this girl for selling herself out in the worst way, but I think that comparison might actually make her proud of herself. We'll never know... until she reaches a million subs!
Since beginning this literary masterpiece, I've noticed Lena's subscribers have increased to 194,000. Someone out there wants to see her keep her word...
Check out the clip above!
Citations: US YouTube vlogger faces a furious backlash after promising to release a SEX TAPE if she reaches 1 million subscribers (DailyMail.com)