
Everyone's Furious Over These Sorority Girls' Snapchats Wearing Blackface

by Amanda Fama

PSA: It's currently the year 2016 and still VERY NOT OK to be racist in any way, shape or form.

Snapchat is no exception.

Paige Shoemaker, former sorority girl at Kansas State University, didn't think twice about sending a horribly offensive snap to her buddies yesterday, and boy, did it go viral.

The racist photo displayed her and her friend, who is reportedly named Sadie Meier, holding up Westside W.

It's captioned,

Feels good to finally be a nigga.

WTF? In what parallel universe does someone think it's OK to do this?

KSU, apparently.

Not before long, a Twitter user under the name of @JustDesmund posted a screenshot of Shoemaker's Snapchat and her Facebook page, saying,

Welcome to Kansas State University. Where breakfast in the morning is some K-State Family with a side of Racism.

Well put, Des.

Needless to say, people became enraged and began chiming in about photo, hoping the girls' actions would be publicized.

An article in the school paper, perhaps?

Oh! We can't forget Sadie.

Some people are blaming Trump for their actions.

Yep, "What the entire fuck?!"

Others are more mad about where they "learned" this racist behavior.

I hope these girls realize what they did was unacceptable because they'll be reminded of their actions over, and over, again.