Grandma's FB Posts On Wild Spring Break With 'The Girls' Have Internet In Tears
It's that time of year, my friends!
You know, it's the time of year when hordes of booze-guzzling party animals flock to spring break hot spots like South Beach, Cancun and Cabo.
If you're vacationing in one of these places during this time of year, you can expect there to be drunk college kids downing shots just about everywhere.
If you happened to be in Cabo this weekend, however, you might've spotted the coolest grandmother ever. Her name is Doreen Grett, and she's our new hero.
Doreen was hanging out in Cabo with her grandchildren when she decided it'd be a great idea to take shots with a group of half naked, booty-shaking, spring-breaking college chicks.
Payton Grett, Doreen's granddaughter, caught the epic moment on camera and shared it with the world. Now, we all know what a real spring break hero looks like.
It isn't a buff frat dude with American flag board shorts and a beer helmet. It isn't a blonde sorority girl with a massive rack and equally hot friends... It's Payton's grandma -- a newly minted spring break legend.
Payton Grett took to Twitter to share the epic moment her party animal grandma took shots with a group of college girls in Cabo.
Yeah, Doreen actually shared the photo on her Facebook page along with the caption, "Shots with the girls." Casual!
Or as James Franco's "Alien" would say...
Other Twitter users chimed in to express their support for grandma Doreen's coolness.
Anna, one of the girls Doreen was drinking with, followed up by sharing a hilarious video of her in action.
Sorry, Payton, but it looks like granny's got a brand new #SQUAD.
To the rest of you so-called ragers out there who think you're doing spring break the right way, think again. Because if you were doing it the right way, someone's grandma would be pounding tequila with you.
Citations: Party animal grandma shows college girls how to Spring Break right (Mashable)